Computer question, need help

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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
I used to use Internet explorer, with Yahoo, being my start page, and they recommended to download Firefox 3, so I did. Here is my problem before there was a “button” where I could go to Encoding; I use it because I get a lot of Russian e-mails. Now with Firefox that button is not there, and I can’t find it. So now I can’t read all the Russian e-mails I have. Does any body have any idea what to do? :(

Either i am blind or they changed something. I just found the encoding. I spent half a day yesterday and it was not there. I don't understand. Never mind everybody.
use the top pull-down window called VIEW, then it`s the 8`th one down called Character Encoding, at least that`s where it is on FF 3.0.4.
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