Chef Extraordinaire
They could ask the needy looking people to go around to the kitchen or another entrance.
R u serious?
They could ask the needy looking people to go around to the kitchen or another entrance.
Most companies would list it as charitable giving and write it off to tax.
Depending on the community sending the needy to rear of the restaurant may not be good business practice. Word can get around among the needy folks and they may start loitering around the establishment.
Agreed. If I was an Owner or manager, I would not want to encourage loitering around my establishment. I would be willing to provide donations to a homeless shelter or kitchen, but I better not catch my employees giving away MY product.
We have that problem here with a lot of the Dunkin' Donuts. It is all old men, they get a cup of coffee, take up what few tables there are and then when management says something to them, they go outside and sit on the side of the building drinking their coffee. We call them the coffee brigade. The one down the square has a worse problem. Druggies hang out there. Every morning around eight a.m. the cops come and arrest them all. Just in time for them to appear in court and spend a few days in the hoosegow. Then they are back. DD now has a cop stationed inside the store and stops them even before they get in the door. There is a park across the street where they used to sleep at night. My part of Boston is not the only place with this problem. DD seems to draw all the undesirables. The drive-thrus' don't seem to have this problem. No parking, no inside service.
Okay, I hadn't considered the problems of giving food at the back entrance. It's just really sad that this is how people/companies have to deal with the inconvenience of hunger and homelessness.
Yes, we have ways that we try to alleviate hunger and homelessness, but most of them aren't working all that well. I was talking about how we deal with the inconvenience to the rest of us. I personally don't enjoy having to walk around a bunch of smelly homeless people when I'm trying to go into a store or resto or walk past some slightly out of the way place that stinks of urine. It's unpleasant and inconvenient.We have food banks and soup kitchens that provide food for the needy, as well as government programs and non-profit organizations that try to deal with homelessness. It's an ongoing problem.
The sad thing is that all these restaurants/bakeries always have leftovers that are usually donated to charities or worse yet dumped into garbage.
Who cares about this guys age or background, he simply gave away something that wasn't his to give, apparently on several occasions after being warned. Done deal, you loose your job.
I heard the Panera Bread removes all left over bread EVERY night and gives it to the needy. Actually its in their commercial on TV.
Great idea and more restaurants should do the same thing!
I heard the Panera Bread removes all left over bread EVERY night and gives it to the needy. Actually its in their commercial on TV.
Great idea and more restaurants should do the same thing!
I gotta try PB.
The hard part is finding an organization to pick it up on a regular basis. This is something that we have issues with in the grocery store that I work in. Most of these are staffed by volunteers and it can be back breaking work picking up all of this food, and on a day like today with heat index over 100, it has to be a miserable job. These people that do this job are amazing and I have a huge amount of respect for them. Right now our pickups are very inconsistent with Wednesdays being the only day that we know that it will be picked up. We usually hang on to it until noon, or longer if they give us a call. We have limited space to work so having this food hanging around is kind of a pain. These organizations are very understaffed and just getting out there to pick stuff up is quite a trick (we have a TON of grocery stores in this area).
I read through all the replies here, and thank you for saying I was kind.
Maybe it was theft, and I am sure many of you are right about it being theft. I'm also a veteran, retired Army, but my veteran status had nothing to do with helping that little lady.
She could be me someday. You never know what life will throw at you, know what I mean?
I hope Joe has learned a lesson and I'm sure he'll find another job and take this lesson with him. Next time, he should tell the person he wants to help what time he gets off and arrange a meeting place. Then he should buy that person what he needs, and there wouldn't be a problem.