Cream Chipped Beef Gravy

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Chef Extraordinaire
Jan 4, 2005
Also known as SOS, this was a staple in my house growing up and also a staple for Mess Halls during the wars. It's sooooo good! The base is the same used for sausage or hamburger gravy!

Cream Chipped Beef
Same here. I love that stuff like a hawg loves slop but I dont think we could ever afford the little jars of beef. Have made it with hamburger meat and breakfast I vote for the sausage. A lean brand like Jimmy Dean can be browned up in the butter and bound to give extra flavor. Canned milk mixed with water gives a better flavor than homo milk too. Thanks a lot for the precise rations on the flour and butter and glad to see you aint shy on the use of black peppa. Very hard to get too much of that. Great movie.
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