Dance Like No One is Watching

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Master Chef
Aug 20, 2021
Somewhere in the PNW
A few weeks back, I got a new Smart Watch. In order to be able to use that watch, I had to get a newer phone too. The new phone is really pretty great. Much better camera and lots of storage. Apple announced that they would no longer be offering or supporting the old iPods. So, I thought it time to start using the new phone for music. It works great!

We have wireless speakers strategically placed around the house and shop. I use the one in the great room a lot, much easier than dealing with the stereo system. And, we have one in the bathroom. I like to have music for showers. DH prefers radio talk shows. To each their own. We have a little table for the speaker and a small phone easel to hold the phone. All wireless, quick and simple.

The other day, as I’m walking into the shower, I realize that the phone has that great camera…and it is pointing right at me! While connected to wi-fi….now, I’m pretty sure that no one can be bothered with hacking into my wi-fi…or my phone…but, all the same, I now place the phone on the easel such that it faces the wall, not the room.

I do like that cliché, Dance Like No One is Watching…on the other hand, in the bathroom, I want to be sure no one is watching anything!

IMG_7191 (2).JPG
Much of my music is on my laptop and phone. I wear hearing aids that also act as ear buds so I can listen to music directly from my iPhone to my hearing aids. Same goes for watching TV silently on my phone while SO watches something different. However, the hearing aids are not waterproof so showers are silent.

P.S. No one wants to watch me in the shower. It's the thing nightmares are made of. :ROFLMAO:
...The other day, as I’m walking into the shower, I realize that the phone has that great camera…and it is pointing right at me! While connected to wi-fi….now, I’m pretty sure that no one can be bothered with hacking into my wi-fi…or my phone…but, all the same, I now place the phone on the easel such that it faces the wall, not the room...
The mirror in my bathroom is directly across from the tub/shower. I scare myself half the time when I open the shower curtain and see some old, slightly chubby lady staring at me. :shock:
The ensuite I had built onto the back of my bedroom has sliding frosted glass windows, high on the wall above the loo. It is easier to open from the nearest side and push that pane over the other one than reach across to open it from the far side and pull that pane towards me. Logical, yes?

The vanity unit/hand basin is diagonally opposite the loo, facing the wall that has the window.

My bungalow is not very close to the one next door, and is set quite a bit lower down, and the wall the window is in, faces the side of that bungalow.

New neighbours moved in some time after I'd had the ensuite built, and one day as I passed the vanity unit/handbasin on the way through to my bedroom after having showered I glanced at the large mirror that is on the wall above the handbasin - and saw the the reflection of one of the new neighbours looking straight at me from an opposite window through a pair of binoculars. [He's obviously a bird watcher in his spare time...]

Needless to say I now reach over the loo to pull the window open from that side, so anyone looking across can only see the shower curtain.
Shower is way too early for me to dance or even to listen to the music. I am still sleeping at that time, in the shower I mean. :ROFLMAO: ;)

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