Dinner 4-17-2017 ~ Monday, Monday...

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
This is not a good dinner day. It's not like I can't think of something to make, it's that I can't decide between three completely different choices. Hopefully something clicks for me while I read about everyone else's plans. First up is pulled chicken sandwiches with coleslaw and baked beans. All I need to do for that is make the coleslaw. Next would be an omelet using up one of my leeks and some rapidly aging mushrooms. Last is what I kinda have a taste for - cheesy ham and potato casserole with a nice tosses salad. It will be the most work, though, and I'm kinda? lazy today! :LOL:

What are YOU planning? I may end up getting so inspired I'll completely flip my script and copy someone else.
so good to me.....

Planning on BLT's. But DH has an appointment at 4:00 with a cardiologist so don't know what we will feel like after that!
We're having leftovers from yesterday. Grilled pork kebabs with hoisin and five spice powder, pilaf and a veggie.
It's another gorgeous day here so I'm planning on grilling some b/s Chicken Thighs and fresh zucchini, sweet bell peppers and onions... maybe even roast some yukon gold potatoes, not sure on that at this minute, I may leave out the starch component.
And for dessert, carrot cake... we still half of that huge cake, even after sharing with the next door neighbors, I forgot to send some home with Mr&Mrs DF yesterday :)
We're having leftovers, too. I thought about grilling some lamb chops DH bought the other day, but I also have to get a dish ready for tomorrow's master gardener class mid-morning snack. So, smoked ribs, cole slaw and baked beans. I'm using the rest of the pineapple for tomorrow's snack (pineapple, grape and mozzarella cheese skewers with minted vanilla-lime yogurt for dipping.
Catch of the day yesterday was Crappie. I never had it but being adventurous it became dinner tonight: Baked Lemon Garlic Crappie
Last of the warm days for the next week, so summertime dinner it is. Not to mention that I'm a little tired from two days of ripping out overgrown ivy and grass in the front of the house. Burgers on the grill, oven fries, cole slaw.
I'm in an uncharacteristically good cooking mood, thawed some shrimp yesterday so I decided to have shrimp panang curry.

No real recipe, sauteed the shrimp and pushed to edge of wok, mixed some coconut cream (Savoy brand - Thailand) and stirred in Mae Ploy (good Thai brand!) panang paste, crab sauce, shrimp sauce, sriracha sauce (sub for the Thai chilis), fish sauce (Cock brand - Thailand), and jasmine (yes, from Thailand).

I have it all simmering, ready to pull off the rice when it's done, monitoring fluid level in covered wok... Will adjust various ingredients before serving.

Note that I've found (by reading one jasmine rice directions) the best way to cook jasmine rice: 1 measure rice, 1-3/4 measures water, bring to boil, cook over low heat (don't peek) for 17 minutes, let stand for 3-5 minutes.

Point: When cooking Thai food I make as much use of Thai ingredients as possible. YMMV but it works well for me to stick to products made in Thailand when cooking Thai food. All the ingredients I used tonight came from Thailand except the shrimp and the water. Okay I couldn't determine country of origin for the srirachi sauce (packed in Lost Angeles).
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We ended up with the pulled chicken. Roasted the potato wedges with Spice House Florida Seasoned Pepper. Pretty good stuff.

Edited "hmmm": I know I posted the photo when I created the post on my tablet. Apparently it is printed with invisible ink...or invisible link.
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Sesame chicken over rice. I was surprised at how fast this came together and now it's in the oven. This is another new recipe, so we'll see how this one turns out. Unfortunately, I don't have any sesame seeds.
Made a big pasta salad with leftover ham, cheese, etc. and grilled pastrami, sauerkraut, cheese sliders with fresh strawberries and cantaloupe as the fruit. Got rid of the veggies in the crisper, the leftover ham and pastrami, and dinner rolls and the roasted beet-roasted radish salad. Sometimes this is how I rock and this is how I roll. If I could just get rid of all the leftover desserts. I still have to make cream of asparagus soup from the leftover asparagus, after that I should be good to drag something else out of the freezer.
I went to the ballpark tonight to watch the Twins take on Cleveland. Although the Twins lost, it was still a fun evening out. This was dinner. Mine was the sausage sampler on the right.

...And before anyone says anything, the answer is no, I don't drink Bud Light. Or any beer. It came as a chaser with the Bloody Mary.

Does that bloody Mary on the left have a burger on it? Beats the heck out of a celery stalk. :LOL:
Monday is our Costco shopping day because TB works the early shift. I think you all know by now that we are very limited in what we can eat. Well, Monday has become our "Costco-pig-out-on-all-the-junk-food-you-want-for supper night". So, while he parked the van, I went into the food court and ordered for the two of us:
10 wings
1 poutine
1 ham & pineapple pizza slice
1 polish dog
2 drinks
2 sundaes (mine plain vanilla, TB's berry)

We came home with 1/3 of the poutine and most of my drink (ice tea). And yes, we are paying for it tonight, but hey, it's worth it! :LOL:
Monday is our Costco shopping day because TB works the early shift. I think you all know by now that we are very limited in what we can eat. Well, Monday has become our "Costco-pig-out-on-all-the-junk-food-you-want-for supper night". So, while he parked the van, I went into the food court and ordered for the two of us:
10 wings
1 poutine
1 ham & pineapple pizza slice
1 polish dog
2 drinks
2 sundaes (mine plain vanilla, TB's berry)

We came home with 1/3 of the poutine and most of my drink (ice tea). And yes, we are paying for it tonight, but hey, it's worth it! :LOL:

Brought a smile to my face... We don't buy bulk anymore so seldom shop at Costco... but... We still drop in once or twice a month for a polish dog and drink for $1.50... I've been hooked on their polish dogs for years...Best value in our area... :)
Brought a smile to my face... We don't buy bulk anymore so seldom shop at Costco... but... We still drop in once or twice a month for a polish dog and drink for $1.50... I've been hooked on their polish dogs for years...Best value in our area... :)

Yes, that's why we eat there. The ice cream is the best quality for the best price anywhere around! But the polish and a drink is number 1!

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