Dinner Monday July 10?

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
We are back to having salads for dinner. Garden romaine and spinach, sweet onions, farmers market tomatoes ( mine have yet to flower), store bought celery, cucumbers, and home made croutons and Caesars dressing.

What are you fixing?
T-bone for him, ribeye for me, baked potatoes and some kind of veggies, maybe roasted on the grill or possibly a salad!
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We met up to walk home and during this walk, we had stopped for a Sparkling Wine and shared 2 tapas .. And then continued our route home ..
Roasted butterflied chicken, pilaf and a veggie. SO likes peas with her pilaf so, guess what?
Having some ice cold buckwheat noodles... IMG_0213.jpgIMG_0215.jpg
It was a "meh" day around here. Lots of junk TV viewing and deciding that dinner didn't have to be spectacular, just filling. Enter Himself's college tuna casserole. I sliced the one big tomato that we had and shared it - mostly to add more color to the plate. Easy, make-with-your-eyes-closed meal. And my fingers are all intact! (My eyes were open when I sliced the 'mater)


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I had to use the rest of the walleye from The Lake. Sides were steamed asparagus and a salad using the French mix salad greens I planted, radishes and pea shoots all from the teeny tiny garden I put in at The Elders.
Pan-fried Alaskan pollock sprinkled with Penzeys Trinidad seasoning, Trader Joe's seasoned basmati rice with added onion, garlic and bell peppers, salted avocado, and fruit with basil.

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