Dinner Tonight June 19th, Wednesday

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
OK, I understand. You don't have to share if you don't want to.

We stopped in Kennebunkport at the Boat House Restaurant and had a late lunch. I had sweet and sour chicken wings and lobster mac and cheese with a beer.


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Taco salad here this afternoon. Sliced mango and apple on the side, and mint chocolate chip ice cream a little later. :yum:
Just now finished dinner out here on the left coast.

I enjoyed grilling thighs that were marinated in Lawry's Hawaiian Marinade, and we had the leftover Bean and Corn Salad extended with fresh chopped spinach, with garden tomato wedges still warm from the sun. Loaded baked spuds made the meal complete.


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I had a ham sandwich. When I got hungry a while later, I finished off some leftover lamb curry with lentils. I cannot remember the name of that curry.
Beet greens and kale, fresh ww buns, and a large salad, tomatoes, pinto beans, wheat berries, green pepper, sweet pickles, carrots, broccoli, romaine with a tomato no oil dressing.
I took Poor Husband (I'm calling him this until he's better)
out of the house for the first time since his surgery (he's not suppose
to drive until next week).
We stopped at our favorite Pizza/Italian joint
about an hours drive from home,
it was a gorgeous day!
Oh dinner, sorry, I digress,
we got a to-go large Cheese Pizza and nibbled
on it for lunch as well as dinner.
We made it an early night, what with all of that
activity :LOL:

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