Dinner Wednesday, 11-30-2022

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
When the clock strikes 12 tonight, we're into the last month of 2022. :oops:

Meanwhile, back to tonight. I did take my last bag of taco meat from the freezer when I was heading to bed, planning on tacos. But today has been rainy and really windy since mid-afternoon and I wanted soup. Taco Tuesday is becoming Taco Tomorrow.

I tried a different recipe for Italian sausage and bean soup. It blends some of the beans and includes bacon. :yum: Turned out really good.


And here's the recipe for anyone interested:
Italian Sausage White Bean Soup

How about you?
I tried something new from Lufa Farms (the produce basket delivery service I use). It was Red Shish Taouk Marinaded Chicken Breast. I stuck that in the toaster oven on fan bake at about 400°F and it was at a safe temperature much quicker than I expected, maybe 10 or 15 minutes. I served it with the leftover rice pilaf and roast potato from our recent Greek resto delivery. I made a salad (green crisp lettuce, rainbow chard, sunflower micro-greens, red onion, yellow carrot, fartichoke, and some julienned green bell pepper. We will definitely order that chicken again. That was so good that when I took a bite, I started making happy noises. Stirling said that sounded like a good sign. He agreed that this needs to be bought again.


  • Chicken breast in red shish taouk marinade, leftover rice pilaf and roast potato, and a salad.jpg
    Chicken breast in red shish taouk marinade, leftover rice pilaf and roast potato, and a salad.jpg
    198.8 KB · Views: 28
  • Chicken breast in red shish taouk marinade, leftover rice pilaf, and a salad.jpg
    Chicken breast in red shish taouk marinade, leftover rice pilaf, and a salad.jpg
    181.9 KB · Views: 18
I had some Mac and Cheese. Shrimp was on the menu but got back so late from an appointment that it was all I could do to reheat and eat. Guess that means it will be Shrimp for tonight!
I made a new pasta recipe. A sauce of bacon and butternut squash. While it wasn't bad, it isn't something I'll make again. A lot of bother for not much bang.

On the other hand, we had a wonderful lunch! Something I just kind of made up. Pita sandwiches, using the pita as a folding piece of flat bread, tzatziki, 3 kinds of greens, chopped tomatoes, thinly sliced cuke, grated carrot, black olives and a Hamburger Dog on top with a drizzle of a mayo vinaigrette. The HamDog was based on a meatball recipe, but shaped like a hot dog and cooked in the oven. It was a GREAT lunch! No pictures. Sorry!


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