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I'm sorry thier! Mean people suck!

I've just made a triple batch of my vanilla pudding, if anyones hungry. I've got some with fruit and some plain.
thier1754 said:
I'll take seven, please! And thanks for the idea, Luvs...I will do that when the new cards come. It's unbelievable: last fall I was hit from behind in my little Subaru so hard that it was totalled. The guy who hit me flipped his car and died and his passengers were injured. Then I got this new car from the insurance money, and it was hit in a parking lot a month ago and had to have the whole passenger side replaced. Now the window is broken and I don't know what other damage there is -- obviously the alarm system doesn't work. Do I have a target on me?:blink:

Oh man:excl: Where do you live?
oh, man. emu eggs! i thought we baked that blue thing. i like all animals but i hated that emu. it used to bite me!:shock:
Alix said:
Nope, that was your 3. You should be OK now. Will you get your cards in time for your trip?
I didn't know there were only three...Yippee! Don't know if the cards will come in time.

I'm done with crisis. We have a family member right now with a marriage crisis, and that's much more important than my car woes. Not as easily fixed, tho...Sigh.:(
Hey luvs, can you say "omelette"?

A little avocado in there? Why not?

Heres your pudding crewsk. How about a coffee with some kahlua?
Here you go crewsk. I put a dollop of whipped cream on top with a few chocolate shavings too. Hope you like it. Have you ever had coffee with Amarula? Thats what I am having its awesome.
Bangbang said:
Oh man...you got to watch out for serial killers too. Ughhh Seattle breeds them. Must be all the rain.

We do have our share of weirdos up here, but probably no more than anywhere else. Except for ME! I'm a bit weird at the moment!:blink: :angry: :ermm: :rolleyes: :LOL: :sick: :pig:
Alix said:
Here you go crewsk. I put a dollop of whipped cream on top with a few chocolate shavings too. Hope you like it. Have you ever had coffee with Amarula? Thats what I am having its awesome.

No I haven't, sounds good though! Thanks, this is perfect!!
I'd like some vanilla pudding too, and Alix, what is Amarula? Do I need some?

Luvs, Alix & I made sure the blue emu went in the oven. Remember that big "turkey" dinner?
I'm thinking either thier or pdswife bought another one, only this one probably isn't blue, since Maidrite fixed the cleaning button on the bathroom. Anyway, I'm guessing the emu she bought was a female, and well, now there's this nest...

Thier, I'm so ticked off at those crooks!:angry:

Make sure you call the hotel in Orlando and let them know about it - if they try to run your card you gave for the reservations and it shows up as stolen, you'll lose your room!
jkath said:
I'd like some vanilla pudding too, and Alix, what is Amarula? Do I need some?

Luvs, Alix & I made sure the blue emu went in the oven. Remember that big "turkey" dinner?
I'm thinking either thier or pdswife bought another one, only this one probably isn't blue, since Maidrite fixed the cleaning button on the bathroom. Anyway, I'm guessing the emu she bought was a female, and well, now there's this nest...

Thier, I'm so ticked off at those crooks!:angry:

Make sure you call the hotel in Orlando and let them know about it - if they try to run your card you gave for the reservations and it shows up as stolen, you'll lose your room!

Oooo...I hadn't thought of that. It's a timeshare, so I think we're okay, but I'll mention that to dh just in case. I know a lot of "auto-pay" stuff, like our website hosts, etc., are going to hit the wall and be sending e-mails shortly. What a pain. I don't know who has what card, but I'm sure we'll be hearing!

How can people break into someone else's car, steal their personal things, and toss them aside when they're done and then go out and spend the money? Last month we had guys in Spain who got our debit number somewhere and spent $2050 or so in Europe before we figured out why our balance kept going down at the bank. I just don't get that kind of mentality. Like people who abuse children, just using them for their amusement. How does someone grow up to have no conscience?

I'm hardboiling some of the emu eggs for egg salad sandwiches. Serving them with Orange Crush and potato chips. Any takers?

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