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<<jkath stumbles in, not from a broken toe, but because somehow morning came about 5 hours too early>>



the breakfast of champions!
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you........

I think a croissant would be just right too. And maybe this dish of strawberries.
*exiting elevator* *running while putting on tie*

Im late for church!!!!

*Pours half cup of coffee and cold water* (GULP!)

Talk to you guys later on today!

*runs out of door*
Enjoy the service Sushi! We're home this morning, Savannah couldn't wear her shoes because she has really bad blisters on the inside of each foot right next to her big toes. I had to lean them with peroxide last night & I thought hubby was going to have to sit on her to hold her down. Poor little thing screamed it hurt so bad. We have to go to church tonight though. The kids are doing their musical & TC & Savannah are both in it. I can't wait, it should be really good!

Are there anymore croissants left? I think I want one toasted with honey butter.
I'm here just to grab a glass of lemonade. We had a ball with the kitties & there are 3 new pics of them in the gallery. I'm off to rescue a tree frog from the kids! See y'all tomorrow!:)
here's your lemonade. i made little lemonade ice cubes with maraschino in the middle and threw a few of those in. the kittens are adorable! they got big!
well, i'm out for the day, gang. going to a festival as soon as the fiance is done babysitting his little sister.
thanks, crewsk. we left early cause it looked like rain. we ended up stopping at this restaurant where our friend shelley works along the way and i had half a smoked chicken. it was good!
plus i picked up 4 antique cast iron skillets and 2 antique atlas jars and 2 cute little wine glasses.:)
*looking at giant Sweet Tart* Wow! :shock: Someone has been knocking off a couple of chunks. I hear that if you drop a little bit in that has been ground up..... in say, vodka and seltzer or tonic water that its really good. I think I'll pass on trying it though.

*grabbing super soaker and filling it* Well, Im going out in the back.... get a golf cart and goto the lake and squirt the frogs. :-p hee..... hee...... hee..... :rolleyes:
luvs_food said:
thanks, crewsk. we left early cause it looked like rain. we ended up stopping at this restaurant where our friend shelley works along the way and i had half a smoked chicken. it was good!
plus i picked up 4 antique cast iron skillets and 2 antique atlas jars and 2 cute little wine glasses.:)

:ohmy: Great finds! Were the jars clear or colored glass?
they were clear, choc. i just washed them and scruubbed the rust off the closures as best i could a little while ago. do you like antiquing, too?
Sure do! I have found some fantastic kitchen equipment that way.

I use aqua glass canning jars for canisters.
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