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Check out the drink recipe I posted in "drinks and beverages"...I need a name for it.
The lobster's about ready to be boiled and the steaks are already on the grill....anyone hungry?
hi, guys! what's up?
how 'bout crancellos as a name for for your drinks, jkath? it sounds yummy. next time i go to the liquor store i'll have to get some absolut and try it out.
i'm hungry. is there anything yummy to eat?
~shuffling through pantry and fridge~
yum! middie's chiken salad.
~making sammich with salad and cukes~
~taking bite~
it's da bomb!
Crancello sounds really cool....but we need to integrate that whole spearmint thing. That's what makes it mine, afterall.....

Oh! This is good chicken salad!
Please tell me it's not from the big hen though....
<<spitting out feather>>
good morning, crew!
i'm gonna be a rebel and have some sugar cookies for breakfast. with frosting! BLUE frosting! and sprinkles!:ohmy: (and don't you try to stop me, either! i've already made up my mind about this.:LOL: )
then i'm gonna get started on breakfast for you guys. a nice, yummy, unhealthy one.
i'm making mashed potato cakes with ketchup on the side, fried cornmeal mush with syrup, bacon, and saged sausage patties with toast on the side. i'll make multi-grain toast with butter and jelly. milk or juice to drink. at least the toast will be somewhat healthy.
i'm going to meet my new cats today! (when i leave here and get my place, i'll be adopting them).:w00t: they're 2 females, and they're pretty old. i think the one might be white and i forget what the owner said the other one looks like. i think she might be calico. it doesn't matter what they look like. i just want to give them a home. i'm not gonna be taking my cat, bean, with me when i leave; he's too used to my Mom and Dad's kitties and his Grammy and Pap-Pap (my Parents) and i just think it'd be extremely disruptive and upsetting to him if i took him away from them all. he's a gentle giant.
i'm gonna miss him something fierce, but it's best for him, and i'll be bringing him over a few days a week to see me.
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Morning all! Just popping in before I head off to the tournament. Its raining here today. Should make for some fun ball. :mad:

Hey luvs, I can't handle that much in the morning, but I'll take some of the bacon and a coffee. OK...maybe an omelette if you're making them.
Morning...I need my coffee, but it's still brewing...

I was hoping Sushi was around...I need computer help!!!
I want some breakfast too, Luvs, but not yet...I can barely type.
for you alix, bacon, an omlette with cheddar cheese and scallions and a nice cup of hot coffee. and for you, jkath, some nice hot coffee, too. but i want you to have some toast, at least. can't run on empty all morning!
do you need any cream or sugar, ladies?
i'm so hungry. (for real.) i think i'm gonna go have something to eat pretty soon, here.
Luvs, I'll take that toast - can it be really sour sourdough with butter? yummm!
And, how about making it into a sandwich with bacon and avocado too?
Here's the message sushi - I'm guessing you're at church and left your computer on...

My computer was being a real pain last night! I tried to take the photos from my new camera (have had it about 3 weeks) and put them onto the computer (have had it about 2 months). I've done this process 3 or 4 times now, without problem. But this time, it not only infected/killed the photos, the computer had a hissy fit and wouldn't do anything. I tried to click on this thing called "big fix" that's in the computer, but when it tried to get onto the internet, AOL wouldn't open and said that if I clicked here or there, it would install the AOL for me...even though I've had AOL all this time....

In a nutshell: Too many grey boxes popped up saying I was doomed.

Sure - I like earthquakes, so long as there's no big damage. It was weird - I heard a tiny pre-shock first (the sliding glass door rattled quickly) but I thought it was the dog (she sleeps with her head against it, probably wishing she was outside chasing the kitties) and then about a minute or two later KA-BOOM! I don't know where the epicenter was, and the news doesn't have anything, so it may have been a tiny one. Felt like maybe a 3.0 to 3.4 here.
Sushi - the message is above, re: the computer flare-up.

I'll let you guys know if I find out where the quake was centered. Hope nobody is hurt! I'm particularly worried about the folks in Malibu - their houses keep sliding down the hills.
Ok.... this is what you do Jkath. Go out..... buy a new computer.:mrgreen: Just kidding. :rolleyes: You might have a virus on your computer. Do you have anti-virus / anti-spyware / anti-malware? I think the 3 best are MaCaffee, Spybot v1.4 and Adaware.

Then again, what happened might have been a fluke. Did you reboot the computer? How is it operating now? There are so many questions to ask you. Its somewhat difficult to know what happened. It could be that your camera isnt operating properly..... it could be a conflicting software issue, or it could be a hardware issue. I hate to be so general, but its difficult to assess.
I found out the earthquake was 20 miles south of Palm Springs, (about 1-1/2 hours from me) and it was a 5.5 with no injuries. Whew!
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