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You can have several, if you want! I made a big batch and DH doesn't like them. I'll share with you! :)

Hey, today's the big day! I have a check up this afternoon and if baby is behaving we'll see if it's a girl or a boy!!!
Better than marshmallows in a jar, I think.
Think of when you roast marshmallows over a campfire. The inside is soft and kind of melty. That's fluff. It's the melty inside. You scoop it out with a spoon. As a child I learned that this stuff is just moveable enough that when you take out a spoonful, and then tap the jar on a counter enough, you cannot see the scoop you just made. heh heh heh.

Barbara, I'll join you in the hot cocoa, but no whipped cream for me.
And can I have a peanut butter cookie too?
PA - enjoy your special time at the ob/gyn! (I'm kinda hoping you don't tell us, as I like surprises) It's so neat when you get to see your baby!!!
Here are the cookies, jkath--do you want some coffee or milk with them?

I have a feeling I'm going to be too excited not to tell! But we're not going to tell anyone the name we have picked out until I have the baby. So there will still be a surprise for you! I could go either way about knowing but hubby is really, really eager to find out. So I agreed that we could.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmGood cookies!mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

cocoa's gone now, so I'll have coffee with milk, no sugar.
Do keep in mind, that folks you don't even know will most undoubtedly give you their opinion on your son or daughter. It seems like when you're pregnant, everyone opens the door for you, but they also like to tell you why they think you should be having a boy rather than a girl or vice versa. I had fun with that one.
"Do you know what it is yet?"
"why, yes, I do!"
"well, what is it?"
"It's a....baby!"
We've been getting a ton of that already--some of the old wive's tales are hillarious. DH's dad asked him the other day if my nose has been cold. Apparently if it has been it's going to be a girl. My mom told me that if it's active at night it's a boy but if it sleeps during the day it's a girl! :huh: :wacko:
oh great cookies pa thank you !!!
i was eager to find out if i was having
a boy or a girl. i swore a girl. idiot said
a boy... darn if idiot get his way again !
it was cool though cause there were a ton
of us in the room. me, my sister, my mom,
idiot, his mom, and his grandma. just kind of
wish my dad could have made it though. okay
so there only 6 of us... 7 if you count the doctor
but it was a SMALL room !! lol

pa... i'm an enquiring mind and i want to know lol
can't wait to hear if your baby is a boy or a girl, pa! i'm happy for you; you must be excited!
I have to tell you, coming in to the cafe without catching up, this pic threw me a bit. Are we doing Ally McBeal reruns?
one ribeye and hashbrowns coming up... medium rare okay bang ?
where have you been btw ????

ally mcbeal ack hated the show. loved the baby though lol
So that's why it doesn't fit! I was wondering about the accessories too ...those must be the beaters.

Ah ha! Here's the right one!
Well, since I have my hardhat on, I may as well!

<<grabbing 30' ladder and heading out the door>>

<<singing>>To the avo tree I go, tra la.....
BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where, oh, where has my bang been?
jkath, lol, roflmao. i can just see you skipping along and singing tra-la w/ your hardhat on!:LOL:
toss me an avacado, will ya? thanks!

i brought some pepperoni rolls. anyone had those before? they're so good. pop them in the microwave for 30 seconds to get the cheese nice and gooey.

gotta go! bye!

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