Do you remember when you got your first grey hair

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Senior Cook
May 3, 2020
And how did it make you feel?

Can't really frame it as a positive thing even if I tried, but I have learned to accept the fact that I am no spring chicken anymore. I am now officially middle aged and maybe that can be a positive thing. Gotta learn to make peace with it.

Hah! I started getting gray in my late 20's. By the time I was in my mid 40's I was totally white. It's a family trait. I colored it for years, but the time I turned 60 I embraced it. It's been snow white ever since.
I started to turn gray pretty early, do not remember when. My mom turned completely gray when she was 25, I guess I fallowed the suite. I could not careless. I especially do not understand men who die their hair when they starting going grey. Women, fine. Men, why?
My first gray hair was in my 30's and it didn't bother me at all nor did I pluck gray hairs. Now I'm twice as old + and mostly brown with some gray/silver and stopped coloring my hair 13 years ago. I can't believe it won't all go white and gray. I love white hair on both men and women.
My first gray hair was in my 30's and it didn't bother me at all nor did I pluck gray hairs. Now I'm twice as old + and mostly brown with some gray/silver and stopped coloring my hair 13 years ago. I can't believe it won't all go white and gray. I love white hair on both men and women.
It's good that you dont color your hair anymore. Hair dyes contain a lot of chemicals, some of which can be absorbed through your scalp and skin. Very bad for your liver.
University days.
And you know it is getting bad if your friends stop pulling the grey hairs out :)
My hair used to be pitch black so those grey hairs were easily visible

It never bothered me though. Mam was grey very early as well
I think I was in my teens, getting my hair done for some school thing. Hairdresser said, oh my - you have several grey hairs here, want me to pull them out? As I was a very dark, dark brunette, evidently they showed up a lot on the back of my head. I said no, doesn't bother me - I can't see them. LOL
I was 24 and I can tell you the exact date, not so much because of the gray hair, but it was the 21st anniversary of my Mother's passing. That made it seem quite odd and a touch unsettling. Other than that it didn't bother me much.
I think I got one as a teen, but when it fell out a few years later, it didn't come back. Then, well into my 50s, I got a few. For a while I had a silvery streak, which I really liked. Now, into my 70s, my hair is a bit salt and pepper, but lots more pepper than salt. I finally gave up on it going all white. My farmor (father's mother) had more dark hair than white ones at least well into her 80s. I'll have to ask my sister about that. My farmor lived to 102. My sister lived in Denmark about 10 years longer than I did, so she saw our farmor a lot more recently than I did. I get my looks from my farmor.
I guess I should have mentioned a few years later I decided to go blonde, wanted to be ash blonde but my hair never bleached pass apricot. Almost 20 years later I decided enough dying and dyed it back to the dark brown of my youth.
Imagine my surprise when that grew out my hair was equal salt and pepper. Again I decided against dying and just let it grown out. LOL I had a very multi-coloured head of hair for the longest time - length to waist - so it showed a lot. As time passed I had salt & pepper, dark brown, light brown, and then the ash blonde I had wanted all those years ago. Drove everyone nuts. LOL
Now it's pretty much all white with maybe a tiny bit of pepper in the back.
In my late 30s, I was sitting at work and looked in a mirror prior to going into a meeting. There on the top of my head was a silver hair shining like a beacon in the night. I started to pull it and heard my mother's voice in my head. "If you pull it, seven more will show up to mourn." I pulled it anyway. It was a popular hair as many more than seven showed up to mourn, so I started on two decades of coloring my hair. I honestly felt so betrayed. I had dark auburn hair all my life, and had been told for years that redheads never go grey. Liars!

When I had to get it touched up every two weeks, I decided to not color it anymore. My friend, who is also my hairdresser, scheduled me in to her shop at the end of the day. She attempted to remove the dye. My hair was blue, pink, green, aqua, etc. at different moments during this process. It was amusing. Especially when I went to work the following day and had teens make "polite" inquiries about my hair. "Did you mean to do this to your hair?" "Um....what color is it? Green? Blue?" "Nice mermaid style." And my favorite, "Yanno....I kind of like it. No. I really like it."

I am now totally grey. It's pretty silvery. I love it. Most women need to use dye to get this color! Still....redheads do get grey.
My hairdressers all gush over the colour and thickness of my hair, every time. LOL - it's just white! nothing special!

But I know what you mean about multi-colour Kathleen. Aside from when I was letting it grow out, once, (I can't remember the sequence of how it happened but) somehow I ended up with a copper green sheen to my hair. When I called the Help Line and said my hair is green, she immediately said - you did such and such, didn't you. Yup, guess I wasn't the only one. :LOL:
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