Doritos Blaze review (move over Kleenex)

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Chef Extraordinaire
Aug 19, 2004
My mountain
Just kidding, Kleenex. I didn't see your review on this major new flavor of Doritos brand tortilla chip.


Hi, I'm Tom. I'm a Doritos addict.

But seriously, I loooove Doritos. Always have since their inception when I was just a little kid.

Being a purist when it comes to certain foods (pizza, cheesecake, etc.) I've only ever loved original Doritos. But this new, spicy flavor is really, really good. Just about the limit of spicy heat that I think most average Americans can handle.

Has anyone else tried them yet? I would recommend eating them as an accompaniment to a roast beef sandwich with mayo on a hard roll.

Ok, so , I'm just craving an rb on a hr with mayo, but you might want to pick your favorite sandwich to dampen and appreciate the spiciness.

Two big thumbs up.

Oh, and there were mostly big chips, until you got to the smaller ones, and they were not overly seasoned, except for a few Lol.

Back to you, Kleenex.
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So, when you walked through your house eating them, did the furniture catch on fire, a la Peter Dinklage in the commercial?

No, but my mouth felt like the mother of dragons.

Seriously, though, if you like spicy chips, these are for you.
I haven't seen them yet. But here's a picture.

Now that I see the picture, I saw them in the Dollar Store but they would be too hot for our taste. Dorito's Ranch is my favorite but the DS didn't have them. I wonder if they were in the store because they aren't selling well.
I do not mind other people posting here reviewing stuff they find. I want to see them.

I have done like 1000 plus items in 13 years and still have some unopened bags of snackfoods to try.
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