Famous Movie Lines Game

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Here's one for you all...my favorite movie!

"The Today Show was here in Cuba!"
jkath said:
phinz....that sounds really familiar, but I can't figure it out - it's driving me nuts!!!!

Quote: (Sorry if it's not verbatum!)

"Eminem called. He needs an answer right away"
"Plain!....no, Peanut!.....Plain!"

13 going on 30:mrgreen:

Phinz, sounds familiar to me too. It's right on the tip of my tongue. I'll drink my coffee and see if my brain works then.

16 Candles, right?

Quote: "Ladybugs, Katherine....lots and lots of ladybugs"
jkath said:
Quote: "We are going to need considerably bigger buns!"


Quote: "Well, right here on the public street, in the light of day, let me tell you, Miriam Deering, that murder starts in the heart, and its first weapon is a vicious tongue."
(Keith Richards! Faboo! I saw the preview for it, but was truly disappointed when I saw that it's release date is the beginning of July!)

okay, back to the game..............
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