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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
A few of weeks ago, I upgraded to Internet Explorer 7. I really liked some of the features such as the tabs. Then the big security problem arose and I got concerned.

As a result, I switched from IE7 to Firefox. I like it. It works well and may be a little faster. It’s not remarkably different from IE but I like most of the differences. Spell check is easier to use and I like the way it handles Bookmarks and auto fills internet addresses.

I have saved a list of desirable add-ons from an earlier thread and will start working on those soon, perhaps after vacation.

I do have a couple of issues and I’m hoping someone can offer a solution. It’s minor stuff.

First, I had set my computer to have the cursor jump to the default option when a window came up. That is, when you choose a function and have to click on OK to select it, my cursor jumps to the OK button so I don’t have to move it there myself. With the installation of FF, that function doesn’t work anymore.

Second is the scroll up/down arrows. I had them set to jump 3 or 4 lines at a time. With the installation of FF, it moves one line at a time.

I went to the appropriate menu and the options showed the settings I wanted but the system doesn’t respond that way. So I reset the two options to the settings I wanted and rebooted. That didn’t work.

Any thoughts?
Black has become white, up is now down. Did I read this right? Andy switched to Firefox???

Welcome to the dark side my friend.

Unfortunately, your questions are a little beyond my knowledge. I am sure there has to be a way to do both of those things, but I do not know how. You might want to check out the mozilla forums as there is a screen you can get to by typing a code into your URL field that lets you customize FF in many many ways. You need to know what to look for and what to change though. I bet someone over at the Mozilla forums would be able to tell you exactly what to do and then some.
I've been using Firefox for years. Well before IE had tabbed browsing which is why I switched. I can't compare it to IE because I haven't used IE in so long!
there is a screen you can get to by typing a code into your URL field that lets you customize FF in many many ways.

Here is what I was talking about. Andy, scroll through here and see if any of these options are what you are looking for. They may or may not be in there, but you also might find some other things you want to change.
Darn that did not work either. OK go to that page anyway and you will see a search box. Type in "about:config" (without the quotes) and that will bring up the page.
Did you try resetting the mouse options in control panel? That's where the wheel scrolling speed and jump to default options are set.
Did you try resetting the mouse options in control panel? That's where the wheel scrolling speed and jump to default options are set.

Yes, I did.

Also, Alt+S used to submit a reply to a thread. Now it brings up a navigation window.
I use Firefox as well - I like the ease of navigation and the tabs that appear at the top of the window. I have not been able to figure out, though, why it is when I post a link to another page in an email, the link is not live, but must be cut and pasted. I guess I'll meander over to the Firefox forum and try to figure it out...............thanks for the tip.
Wish I knew what to do. I've got both Opera and Firefox, as well as IE (never use) and Netscape (again, never use it now). I also noticed the Firefox doesn't scroll as fast, but then, after we got this funky mouse, nothing scrolls exactly the way I'd like it to. If FF isn't scrolling fast enough for me, I just hit the scroll button the right side of the window. There's only three things I use FF for anyway, as Opera is my default browser, but two websites I go to won't support Opera, and the third likes to make Opera reload webpages if I even attempt to scroll down before the page loads completely.
off topic - GB, I had to give Andy M karma for having the guts to post this while you are still around! :LOL::LOL:

Is GB going someplace?

I am looking for the answer. I recall that firefox may have an ini file that sets lots of options that are not obvious.

In the line at the top where you put the address that you want to go to type "aboutconfig" all lower case, no spaces. I don't have time to look at it at the moment, but, ther seems to be a lot there.

Gotta catch a train.

I am a long time user of FF, but I don't recall ever having to do those set ups. I would start by uninstalling your add ons one at a time and see if any are the cause. If that doesn't work you may have a bad install and may have to re-install. When I got FF, and all the recent upgrades it work correctly from the go. Good luck.
I hope when you do you install the mouse gestures because they are the most wonderful thing every invented. When DH gets home I'll set him to work on your question. He's really good at figuring that sort of thing out.
Lefty, I haven't installed any add-ons. I wanted to get used to the basics first.

Can you get a screen shot of the problem? (print screen, then paste it into windows paint) then post it so we can tell what the problem is with a little description.

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