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Greg Rempe

Web Celeb
Moderator Emeritus
Jan 4, 2005
Cleveland, Ohio makes a cool non-toxic fire starter for charcoal or wood fires. I have tried it out a few times and it works very well. I am going to try and shoot a video of it burning this weekend. If you are looking for something that completely consumes itself after it is done lighting the coals then this is something you want to look at for sure!
Looks kind of cool. But I'm cheap and do the news paper Weber charcoal chimney thing. I have used Weber lighter cubes in winter, but the old news paper thing works for me. Cuz I'm cheap! ;) :LOL: Plus cuz the fire jell is made from %100 grain alcohol it may end up in the blender. ;)

Little pricey, I can get 24 Weber Firestarter cubes for $3.50 from ACE Hardware, just saying that's all.
Bruce B said:
Little pricey, I can get 24 Weber Firestarter cubes for $3.50 from ACE Hardware, just saying that's all.

Just make your own at home, with grain alcohol and strawberry jello. :mrgreen:
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