Flank steak and skirt

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Assistant Cook
Nov 12, 2006
Bayport, NY

I have had flank and skirt steak out in restaurants and it is delicious. So, I tried to make it at home and was terribly disappointed. I marinated it with a storebought brand (probably the first mistake) and then broiled it. I didn't like it and it was nothing like what I had out.

Does anyone make this? How? Thanks.
also, is this where I should post a question like this? or should it be in recipes? :(
The key to food flank is making sure it is not over cooked and that it is sliced thinly across the grain. I normally grill it to medium rare and let it rest for a few minutes before carving.

As far as marinades, anything goes I guess. What store bought kind did you use?
These are very tasty cuts. If you didn't like the taste of the marinade, try another, there are hundreds available. You could also make your own. Do a search for marinades on this site.

If your problem was that it was tough, That can also be addressed. If you like your steak more well done than medium, don't buy these cuts. They are very tough cuts. Cooking them more than medium makes that worse.

You can overcome this by cooking to no more than medium. Medium rare is even better. The other thing you can do is to slice thin slices across the grain. This is very important. The muscle fibers that make up this meat are very tough because these are hard working muscles. Your only hope is to cut across the grain to combat that toughness.
As already emphasized, cut across the grain. And in THIN strips. This minimizes the muscle fiber length so it chews nicely.

And to say again, grill rare, slice on the diagonal very thin. Flank is tougher than skirt. Skirt has more flavor also. But they are both delicious when done right.
The advice given so far is excellent.

My question, so that we can narrow it down for you, is what didn't you like about it when you made it at home? Was it too tough? Was the flover not what you wanted, etc.?
IMO broiling isn't the best way to cook a steak like this indoors. I think it just takes too long and promotes tough meat.

I would suggest using a smoking hot cast iron skillet instead.
do a search at foodtv's web site for a korean style flank steak with kimchi.

it is fantastic!!
dunno jenny...i posted a link to the recipie..so u can tell me!!

i have never had bulgogi, so i dont know what it is! lol
I have made Flant Steak medium rare and it always turns out just fine. I don't like Skirt Steak. I just make sure to slice on the diagonal very thin.
mugsy27 said:
dunno jenny...i posted a link to the recipie..so u can tell me!!

i have never had bulgogi, so i dont know what it is! lol

Bulgogi is Korean grilled marinated flank or skirt steak. I asked you that in case the original poster needed to google a recipe for it.

The recipe you posted looks very good, but isn't actually Korean -- but that's RR, not you. Sauerkraut isn't kimchi:rolleyes:
I love kimchi - have not had it since i was very young - It was my favorite food when I was 2 years old and lived in Hawaii!!!
Thanks for all your suggestions.

Yes, I did let it stand and I did cut across the grain.

I used Masterpiece Steakhouse marinade, which smells good and strong.

I'm not a fan of Rachel Ray's either, but I see she cooked her flank steak on an indoor electric grill or stove top grill pan. I do have an electric grill and tried it and it did come out better, but still not like I had in the restaurant. I wouldn't even try it on the stovetop, as in the past have not had luck with steaks that way.

The one I had in the restaurant had a totally different texture and was very, very tender. I ordered it med/well. It came in the whole piece and not sliced, so I was cutting it myself.

I think the ones I made were as you said "Muscley" and "Gamey" (Oops! hope I don't sound like Rachel Ray making up expressions and words). but that's a good analogy, since you said it comes from the muscle section- and I did cut across the grain in very thin slices.

I didn't realize that these were tough cuts of meat, as they are expensive on Long Island, NY. You can get porterhouse or ribeye for the same price or even cheaper when they have a sale. I've rarely seen flank or skirt on sale and they seem to be hard to get, as most times the store doesn't have them.

I have 2 more in the freezer. I'll try this again. If not, I have 2 dogs, who will enjoy them.
Found out something interesting today. I decided to give up on supermarket beef because I have been so consistently disappointed.

I stopped into one of the last butcher shops around here and the butcher said flank, skirt, and hanger steak used to be considered a waste cut and butchers would take it home. Then, all of a sudden restaurants starting serving it and the price has gone up and up. Also, it's hard to find in supermarkets because the restaurant wholesale trade buys it up quickly.

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