Flavoring My Morning Oatmeal

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
Oatmeal is a regular in my cold weather breakfast rotation. I try to come up with different things to flavor the oatmeal so I can have some variety. Some of the things I use are maple syrup, different flavors of preserves/jams, sugar and cinnamon, etc.

So I was lying in bed thinking about what I might what for breakfast and decided on oatmeal. Then I jumped to, ". . . flavored with what?". I think I dozed off for a bit then I woke up and picked up where I had left off. All of a sudden, it came to me. NUTELLA! That's what I had for breakfast this morning and it was pretty darn good.

Could peanut butter be next?
I often cut up prunes into my oatmeal, or sometimes figs - my two favorite dried fruits. I cut them in halves, or thirds, depending on the size, and I usually sweeten my OM with some blackstrap - something I always have in my cupboard for bread, and buy it by the gallon.
I try to stay away from sugary foods and now don't consume any but back in the day I use to do an oatmeal with cottage cheese, sour cream, sliced almonds with added butter, sea salt and fresh black pepper. Probably not on someones radar but pretty tasty imo.
With a father from the Maritimes, the favourite was blackstrap. Back in the day was not always available (locally) as it was not on the priority lists of grocery shipping. So Molasses was the preferred substitute - with lots of butter!

Now I used brown sugar and still lots of butter - only way to have it. And NEVER any milk on it.
I try to stay away from sugary foods and now don't consume any but back in the day I use to do an oatmeal with cottage cheese, sour cream, sliced almonds with added butter, sea salt and fresh black pepper. Probably not on someones radar but pretty tasty imo.
I can see that. A lot of people across the world eat their morning porridge in a savory way. https://www.loveandotherspices.com/5-savory-oatmeal-recipes/ For a while I ate mine with broccoli, miso, and garlic.
Changing up the texture of oatmeal is another option. Oat groats, steel cut oats, thick cut oatmeal, and now for a couple years I've been quick fermenting 9 grain rolled flakes. It's a change in texture. Soaking oats overnight in 'overnight oats' can be made in many flavors too.
With a father from the Maritimes, the favourite was blackstrap. Back in the day was not always available (locally) as it was not on the priority lists of grocery shipping. So Molasses was the preferred substitute - with lots of butter!

Now I used brown sugar and still lots of butter - only way to have it. And NEVER any milk on it.
Hijack! 🤭

My grandmother believed in the health/mineral benefits of black strap molasses.

She enjoyed a tablespoon stirred into a glass of hot or cold milk as a daily pick me up.

Sadly molasses seems to have fallen out of favor.
Hijack! 🤭

My grandmother believed in the health/mineral benefits of black strap molasses.

She enjoyed a tablespoon stirred into a glass of hot or cold milk as a daily pick me up.

Sadly molasses seems to have fallen out of favor.
I always have some blackstrap molasses around. One reason is because most modern brown sugar is just white sugar with some molasses added back. I don't use brown sugar often. So, when I need some for a recipe, I just add a bit of molasses to some white sugar until it's the colour I want. I got tired of refreshing the same hard bags of brown sugar for the third or fourth time. :ohmy: :ROFLMAO:

Also, sometimes it's just the thing to give a recipe that certain something. I use in the Chief's deep brown stove top beans and it really adds a nice touch.
I love to dress up oatmeal, whether old fashioned or steel cut. Some of my favorites are: fresh blueberries, with or without sliced almonds; honey and walnuts; dried cherries, with or without slivered almonds or walnuts; diced dried apricots; generous shakes of cinnamon with a scant teaspoon of Demerara sugar. There might be more, but I can't think of them right now.

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