Food Fight!! Pick a weapon & victim...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Argh! Someone just shot me in the eye with a pea!

I roll a summer squash and knock Princess Fiona off her feet like a bowling pin...

Food Fight!!

Why you...

I take a handful of Guacamole to throw at Spork, miss and get MsMofet in the left ear.


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All right you two, this is a civiliz...Hey, who threw that?
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Someone is getting tired of the cold, cold, cold, so I will help her out. Here you go Alix, a catapult of hot and spicy salsa and chips flying at you!

Why you...

I take a handful of Guacamole to throw at Spork, miss and get MsMofet in the left ear.
Not enough lime!! Heres one! Lime goes sailing in PF's direction .......... direct hit square between the eyes!!
Kathleen screams, "Godmodders!" She grabs FrankZ, LindaZ, and her two kitties to run into the house (now known as the battle-bunker.) Frantically, she searches the fridge for ammo. Stinky cheese is found! YAY! Also, left over strawberries that she did not get frozen or made into wine. EW! Last of all, the green growing (and possibly glowing) mass of what was formerly pork-n-beans. Using latex gloves, she makes bunker-bombs by slopping fistfuls in loosely bound cheese-cloth and then.....places Linda, Frank and herself on upper floors keeping watch. (Only three sides to this house.) Then....she waits patiently. ;)
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Sneaking across the Mackinaw abridge Joesfolks slips through Kinchloe and meanders along till she reaches the Soo. There she sits crouched in the bushes outside the tall white two story house. The aroma of homemade egg rolls acoust her from within the manse and her resolve almost fades. Just them wielding his favorite chef's knife, Goodweed steps outside to cut himself some herbs. In a flash Joesfolks springs from her hiding spot and quick as a wink pelts him with beef laden pasties. Oh, he'll never get the grease stains out of that shirt!
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