Food sticking to stainless cookware

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dan cook

Assistant Cook
Dec 26, 2006
I am new to cooking and one of the problems I am having is food sticking to stainless steel cookware. What am I doing wrong or is this normal for food to stick to stainless cookware. I have teflon coated cookware also but am trying to get away from using it. Thanks for any help you can give to a novice beginner.
Welcome to DC.

If you follow a few basic steps, you'll be fine:
  1. Always start with a clean pan
  2. Both the pan and the fat you are cooking with have to be hot before you add any food.
  3. Once you place the food into the pan, don't move it!
When you place the food in the pan, it will stick. Leave it alone. After it's been cooking for a bit a crust will form and the food will unstick itself from the pan. Then you can turn it over and repeat the steps.
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need help with stainless steel

Hi. I'm also new to DC and am also having problems cooking with stainless steel - in particular, steaming rice in a stainless steel saucepan. It stuck terribly! Any advice?

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