Any Way To Tell If Wok's Non Stick?

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Assistant Cook
Feb 29, 2024
Is there any way I can tell if a Wok's Non Stick or not / what material it's made out of?

The Mrs was given this quite a few years ago and she thinks from memory she may have seasoned it when she 1st got it ….. unless it was the one she had before that so can't be sure.

The bottom’s wearing as you can see from the pics and I don’t know if it’s something harmful coming off into our food or if it's just Carbon Steel and I can just clean and re-season it.


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From the pics it appears to be a steel wok that has not been well cared for and is rusting. Just strip it down and reseason it. You should be good to go.
The scratches make me think that it has some form of non-stick coating.

We need a tie breaker! 😉🤭

If it's non stick anyway, is there any reason not to use a mini grinder with a fairly abrasive disc and remove the lot, then some fine sandpaper to smooth it off, wash and reseason?
I'd say carbon steel. Get it down to shiny metal then season it.

Any idea the best way to do that, I mentioned above I have a mini grinder and when I said disc, I meant sanding disc but it's quite aggressive and wondered if it may do some damage.
You can use a sanding disc. A bit on the coarse side to get the crud off then a fine one to create a smooth metal surface before seasoning.

If you can get the wood handles off, you can put the metal bowl into a super hot grill and burn off the black or even run it through a self-cleaning cycle if your oven has the super heated cleaning option.
It appears to be carbon steel. If so, treat cleaning and season like you would cast iron.

If it were mine, I'd sand the rust and crud off and scrub it thoroughly. Then get it very hot, and do three to four very thin coatings of a high heat oil (I like avocado oil). Wipe the oil on to the wok with some wadded up paper towels. Again, thin coats. Wait until the wok stops smoking between coats. It will darken as you season it.

If it's non stick anyway, is there any reason not to use a mini grinder with a fairly abrasive disc and remove the lot, then some fine sandpaper to smooth it off, wash and reseason?
If the scratches, gunk, etc… is burned on food putting the business end into a plastic bag with 1/2 cup of clear ammonia for a couple of days will soften the gunk so you can give it a good scrub.

If it’s a damaged coating of some sort I would toss it and buy another pan.
It looks like a carbon steel one to me, there's my uneducated vote. Go with what has been suggested above. I think you will be very happy once it is re-seasoned.
carbon steel.
a wok of that execution is intended for serious use - the high heat used would destroy any non-stick coating . . .
Looks like carbon steel to me as well :)

Sand paper, or even sharp sand for cleaning
Or soak in coke
Careful with electric sanders as carbon steel is quite thin.
Thorough clean afterwards and immediate seasoning, as it will rust very quickly when you leave it be (hours, not days, don't ask how I know)
Seems like "The Boss" has had a change in opinion towards it, initially I got the impression she didn't want to get chuck it as it was a present from her mum but she's now questioning if all the material will be fully removed and is the material underneath definitely what we hope it is so will it be safe.

I think most of it's probably wife code for I don't have faith in you doing the job properly ... in other words I don't think she'll ever want to eat anything cooked in it so I may be best off getting a new one anyway.

A big thank you to everyone for their help though ... is appreciated - at least it made me find and join the forum and am sure I'll be back here a lot more as have very recently taken an interest in cooking and looking to learn and do a lot more.

Thanks again to all(y)
A big thank you to everyone for their help though ... is appreciated - at least it made me find and join the forum and am sure I'll be back here a lot more as have very recently taken an interest in cooking and looking to learn and do a lot more.
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