Freezing lasagna

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Assistant Cook
Jan 24, 2010
Seymour, TN
Ok - I constructed lasagna - in a disposable aluminum lasagna pan from Wal-Mart - covered it with Saran Wrap, pressed down into the sauce - two layers of Saran Wrap, then three layers of aluminum foil - then into the freezer to wait for Saturday.
Do you think I did the right thing? I'm worried about the acid in the tomato sauce in contact with the aluminum pam bottom. I hope I don't have a bad result - but if Stouffer's can freeze in aluminum pans, why not me?
You're all good. Just remember to take off the plastic wrap before you bake it. Thats andoops you don't want to make.
alum. pans no good with tomato sauce. I line the pan with plastic wrap first - make the lasagna on top, then when you going to cook it flip it out of the pan while still frozen remove the plastic wrap and it will go right back in the pan. I ruined a lasagna putting it the al pan the sauce ate thru the pan. When i take something somewhere that has tomato sauce i wait till last min to put in there. I also assemble my lasagna that i am freezing with unbaked noodles- and when you thaw the lasagna it tends to have alot of liquid in it - this way the noodles absorb the water and cooks great. i add lil more sauce if have to in the middle of cooking- also cook it covered tight till last 15 20 min. been doing it for years always comes out great.

On another subject learned from experience never ever ever cover your deviled eggs with foil. I made 2 dz eggs into deviled eggs for a family reunion the night before and covered them. next day I noticed holes in the foil and black eggs. I had 2 hrs before I had to leave to drive 45 mi to it . Let say I made 2 dz eggs into deviled eggs in record time.
letscook, the tomato sauce is not going to eat away at the aluminum if the lasagna is in the freezer. I agree that storing tomato sauce in aluminum would be a bad idea under other circumstances. In this case though, the pan of lasagna goes directly from freezer to oven and doesn't have time to etch through the aluminum pan.

ctyler, I repeat, you are all good. I've done this many many times for potlucks and large gatherings I needed to prep for. Enjoy your party and tell us how the lasagna went over.
The last two I made for a church group was in the "Glad Ware" 9x13(the plastic stuff. You have to put it on a cookie sheet. It says to keep away from the sides of the oven and not to cook two pans at once without enough clearance and I learned they're right! One was a little warped from being too close. Be sure and leave yourself enough time for reheating....mine took three hours at 350 degrees. I checked the center of the dish through the tinfoil with a quick read digital thermometer. When it got to 180 or thereabouts, I removed the foil for a bubbly brown. Oh yeah, don't refreeze it. One of my guests said it was good a week later, but he'll eat anything as long as there are no green fuzzies.

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