Can you cook ham in the foil it comes wrapped in?

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Executive Chef
Dec 5, 2018
Columbus, Ohio
I bought one of these little beauties from Aldi the other day to bake for Sunday dinner this weekend. The label directions aren't real specific, so I was wondering if you can bake these in the gold foil, or would it be best to remove it? It comes with a packet of brown sugar glaze, which I know gets added to the end of baking. But couldn't you add some of the glaze before baking as well? I'd like the ham to get a nice brown sugar crust on it. Perhaps add some before popping in the oven and then the rest the last half hour?

But my main question is about the foil. Normally when I purchase hams, they're in plastic that I remove and I just toss the ham into a roaster, rub it down with some honey and/or brown sugar or pineapple slices, whichever I'm using at the time, cover with aluminum foil, then pop into the oven. However, I've never purchased a ham that comes in its own foil before, so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to remove it.

It is NOT foil. It actually says on the package that the PLASTIC is not recyclable.

But even if it were, don't you think the paper label would burn a bit?
Well, I would definitely remove the paper label. And no, I'm not sure if it's metal or plastic. From your comments here, I'm guessing plastic.

A family member said she baked her Thanksgiving ham inside the foil it came in and I saw the ham at Thanksgiving, it was the same exact as the one I have. But then this family member is a little loopy (we're not playing with a full deck, if you know I mean) so it's very possible she had no idea what the heck she was even talking about. :ROFLMAO:

Thanks, everyone. I think I'll remove the gold foil and just use my own.
It is NOT foil. It actually says on the package that the PLASTIC is not recyclable.

But even if it were, don't you think the paper label would burn a bit?
Oh! I just looked at the package and you're right, it says PLASTIC WRAP right there.

Duh? Sheesh. Maybe I'm the one not playing with a full deck! lol
Join the club - I've been pulling "duh" moments for the last two weeks. Good to know I'm not alone!
You're definitely not alone. I've been sick (bad cold + bronchitis) since a few days after Thanksgiving (thanks to a family member bringing her sick kid to the gathering :bash:) and I've just been a mess. This past Monday it was so bad that I took myself to the ER. I couldn't breathe. Been on prednisone for the last 5 days and utilizing the heck out of albuterol inhalers.

So I've been a little backwards when it comes to thinking clearly.
For optimal results with the ham from Aldi, it's recommended to remove the gold foil before baking. This allows the ham to cook evenly and develop a desirable crust. You can apply a portion of the brown sugar glaze before baking for a caramelized finish, and reserve the rest for the last half hour as directed. This method ensures a deliciously glazed and golden-brown ham.
For optimal results with the ham from Aldi, it's recommended to remove the gold foil before baking. This allows the ham to cook evenly and develop a desirable crust. You can apply a portion of the brown sugar glaze before baking for a caramelized finish, and reserve the rest for the last half hour as directed. This method ensures a deliciously glazed and golden-brown ham.
Thank you for the tips on the glaze. That's pretty much what I did.

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