How to let fudge set?

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Senior Cook
Nov 6, 2023
From Google it says:

How long does it take for fudge to set at room temperature?

about three hours

Once the fudge has thickened and the nuts are added, pour the fudge into the prepared pan. Allow it to set at room temperature until firm, about three hours or overnight.”

If I leave it overnight, do I leave it :

A) Open in a pan
B) In a pan covered with cling wrap (transparent Saran Wrap)
C) In a pan and seal it in an air tight bag?

How many bugs you got running around in the apartment? ;)

Open in the pan - whether you cover it or not doesn't make much difference. I would NOT seal it wrap as the heat leaving is going to have moisture and that may gather and drip.

The recipe is probably saying you do not have to worry about spoilage. It is candy and is safe to leave at room temperature.
How many bugs you got running around in the apartment? ;)

Open in the pan - whether you cover it or not doesn't make much difference. I would NOT seal it wrap as the heat leaving is going to have moisture and that may gather and drip.

The recipe is probably saying you do not have to worry about spoilage. It is candy and is safe to leave at room temperature.
Hi Dragnlaw, thanks for replying.

Ok so in an open pan, not covered overnight. Got it. And then, the next day, to store it can I put it in an air tight bag and leave it in the pantry and eat it slowly slowly day by day?
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From Google it says:

How long does it take for fudge to set at room temperature?

about three hours

Once the fudge has thickened and the nuts are added, pour the fudge into the prepared pan. Allow it to set at room temperature until firm, about three hours or overnight.”

If I leave it overnight, do I leave it :

A) Open in a pan
B) In a pan covered with cling wrap (transparent Saran Wrap)
C) In a pan and seal it in an air tight bag?

My mom was very good at fudge and she put hers out in the garage as long as the weather was cool enough, with cling wrap over the pan. Then once it was all set and ready to cut which there is no hurry about because that will dry it out, she would transfer to cookie tins with foil or parchment between the layers and put it back out in the garage as long as it was cool enough.
My mom was very good at fudge and she put hers out in the garage as long as the weather was cool enough, with cling wrap over the pan. Then once it was all set and ready to cut which there is no hurry about because that will dry it out, she would transfer to cookie tins with foil or parchment between the layers and put it back out in the garage as long as it was cool enough.
Thank you

I will try and wrap it with cling wrap right after I knead the fudge and leave it in cool room Temp.
My mom literally stored it out in the garage instead of taking up her refrigerator for it. I believe you can freeze it if you need to.
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