GCC - Mushroom - Kathleen

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Dec 6, 2009
Mid-Atlantic, USA
To be honest, this one was a bit more challenging. MUSHROOMS. I bought most of my ingredients at Wegmans though mushrooms, as I was reminded repeatedly, were not in season. :LOL:

My courses are as follows:

Course one: Magic Mushroom Martini
Course two: Wild Mushroom and Goat Cheese baked in Filo
Course three: Scallops w/Roasted Veggies in a Porcini-Scampi Sauce
Pasta coated in a Mushroom-Artichoke sauce on the side
Course four - Candy Top Ice Cream

Frank took pictures of each course and helped review. We both agreed that the dishes were earthy and flavorful. As before, I had a blast making each dish!
Course One - Magic Mushroom Martini

Okay, I will admit to being a bit lost on a drink. This turned out really tasty though! Visually, the crisp green color really made the mushroom martini stand out! Imagine my surprise! :chef:

After last time, I was asked to post recipes, so they will follow as will pictures.

Voodoo Chicken Stock, Wild Mushrooms, Porcini mushroom powder, Kosher salt, fresh pepper, onion powder, yellow potato, vodka, cream of spinach mixture (it was the magic part!), bacon, crouton stirrers, truffle oil

Texture and Taste:
The drink was plated by pouring a cream of spinach mixture into the bottom of the glass. Then the vodka-laced mushroom martini was carefully poured into the center which made the spinach mixture ring. Fresh crouton stirrers with a bit of bacon garnish followed by a few drops of truffle oil completed the dish. (Recipe follows description.)

The texture was velvety smooth as all ingredients were pureed. With each sip, the splash of green spinach magic off-set the earthiness of the wild mushrooms. The vodka seemed to enhance the flavors and was barely noticeable as a flavor on its own. The bread and bacon gave the drink a feel and fullness of soup. (In a bowl, it would have been a good soup....but...then I would have missed the vodka. :rolleyes:

What I liked best about the soup was the interplay between the cooler creamy spinach magic and the mushroom mixture. The flavors were varied and complex.

Mushroom Martini
2 cups of Voodoo Chicken Stock (made by Frank and canned by me)
1/4 lb cleaned wild mushrooms (oyster, cremini, shitaki, royal trumpet, and portabella)
1 tsp of porcini powder
1/4 tsp of onion powder
1 tiny yellow-fleshed potato, peeled and chopped
1 - 2 oz. vodka
1/2 cup spinach magic
2 bacon slices, cooked crisp
4 crouton stirrers
a few drops of truffle oil

Combine stock, mushrooms, potato, onion powder, and porcini powder in a sauce pan. Add in a good pinch of salt and a few grinds of pepper. Bring all to a simmer and cook until mushrooms are done. (Maybe 25 minutes.) Add vodka. Puree the mixture until it is velvety. Adjusts the salt and pepper, if needed.

To assemble, place the spinach magic in the bottom of a martini glass. Add the stock/mushroom mixture. Garnish with bacon and crouton swizzle sticks and drizzle a few drops of truffle oil.

Spinach Magic

Microwave 1/4 pound of fresh spinach until it is collapsed. Add 1/8 cup of heavy cream, 1 tsp dried chives, and 1 tsp of tarragon. Puree and allow to rest until it is lukewarm.


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Course two: Wild Mushrooms & Goat Cheese Baked in Filo

These were awesome when they cooled. When I make them again, I will definitely serve them at room temperature because then one could taste the range of mushrooms in the filo. Honestly, I will likely use a different kind of dough. Maybe something like a popover to fill with the filling. I wanted a more chewy texture than the flaky filo, but Wegman's denied that in their freezer options!

1 tbs olive oil
1 shallot, minced very fine
1/2 lb. cleaned wild mushrooms (royal trumpets, shitake, oyster, crimini, and morels), chopped
1 tbs minced curly parsley
1/2 tsp minced dill
1/2 tsp minced thyme
2 ounces of goat cheese
Big pinch of sea salt
Fresh ground pepper
Filo dough and egg wash

Warm olive oil and sweat shallots for a few minutes before adding the mushrooms. Saute all until mushrooms are done. Add salt and pepper. Stir. Add herbs and goat cheese. Stir until all liquids are evaporated.

Stuff it creatively in filo and brush with a bit of egg wash. Bake at 425 degrees Fahrenheit on parchment paper for 15 minutes. Serve warm or room temperature.

Texture and Taste:
These were crunchy and gooey in a great way. There was just enough of the goat cheese to hold the filling together. The herbs blended well with the wild mushrooms. This is an appetizer that one could make without apology and serve it anywhere. I am now thinking of dipping sauces. Though they did not really need a sauce, just a bit of sauce would give the appetizer a totally different feel.

The cheese was delicate enough to let the flavors of the mushrooms shine through. The herbs enhanced and brought it all together nicely.

I will definitely make these again. They would be great at a potluck!



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Course Three: Scallops with Roasted Veggies in a Porcini-Scampi Sauce

At Wegmans, I found the most fantastic scallops (wild caught) and an assortment of baby veggies. I had intended to take a few of them with me for lunch the following day, but nothing was left!

1 small summer squash
3 baby zucchini
2 tomatoes
4 ounces baby white mushrooms
porcini powder
olive oil
kosher salt
freshly ground pepper
4 tbs butter
1 lemon, juiced
1/8 cup of Chardonnay wine
Some chopped parsley, oregano, and basil

Rub the veggies with oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and roast in a 400 degree Fahrenheit oven until done. (About 15-20 minutes.) Saute scallops in a mixture of olive oil and butter about 3 minutes a side. De-glaze pan with wine and lemon juice. Stir in some minced basil, oregano, parsley, and the porcini powder. Cook until the liquid is reduced. Toss the scallops in the liquid before plating. Drizzle a bit along the roasted veggies.

Serve with pasta mixed with veggies (sweet peppers, garlic, baby bellas, and quartered artichoke hearts sauteed in herbs and wine.) I used thin spaghetti. Parmesan cheese sprinkled on before serving.

Texture and Taste:
The scallops were to die-for good. They were flavorful with no hint of rubbery-ness or extra liquid. Sauce melded the side with the roasted veggies as the hints of porcini powder could be detected and combined nicely to bridge all of the flavors. This is a dish I would definitely make again. Frank did not like the yellow squash, but he did not complain. The spaghetti was delightful and provided a nice contrast to the scallops.



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Course four: Candy Top Ice Cream

I've never had candy top mushrooms prior to this challenge. In trying to come up with a dessert for this challenge, I was almost ready to settle on something like a strudel made with yeast. Then II remembered there was a "dessert mushroom." In reading about it, I had to try it! After all, challenges were to push me further along, right?

When the mushrooms arrived (one small ounce of dry candy tops), we opened the box. The aroma was incredible. It smelled like maple syrup and candy! My original idea of cupcakes went away and I decided to make ice cream. I've not used my Donvier ice cream maker in years. This turned out amazingly delicious and still maintained the undertone of earthy flavor.

1 1/2 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup whole milk
1 beaten egg
1/2 cup of Splenda brown sugar
1 tbs molasses
1/5 ounce of ground candy cap mushrooms

Mix the liquids until sugar has dissolved. Toss everything in the Donvier ice cream maker and follow the directions, which is to crank it a few times every 4 or 5 minutes for twenty minutes. I placed it in the freezer to harden a bit.

Served with a cookie called Petit Ecolier. If that does not mean something yummy, don't translate it. :LOL: They were yummy!

Texture and Taste:
This ice cream turned out super creamy. The flavor was consistent throughout and it seemed to have many layers of flavors. One could taste the maple-ness of the candy caps along with the hint of molasses and brown sugar. We have a cup left. It will likely not make it past tonight! Of everything, I think this was my favorite course....and I loved it all. I still have enough of the candy caps left to make this 4 more times! :chef:

Thank you so much for viewing my mushroom challenge meal! (Yes, picture two shows a thumb print! This ice cream is excellent when served with thumbs too!)



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I just have to say, as an impartial taster, yum.

Everything was wonderful. I was a bit dubious of mushroom in ice cream, but now I am a believer.

They have been in the dining room since they arrived Thursday, and the smell has been wonderful. It was very tempting to dig in but I figured Kathleen would be all sad.
Wow! All are eye-popping and mind-popping. If those mushroom & goat cheese in philo showed up at a potluck, I would have to be restrained from hogging the plate and fighting everyone off for each and every last piece.
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Wow! All are eye-popping and mind-popping. If those mushroom & goat cheese in philo showed up at a potluck, I would have to be restrained from hogging the plate and fighting everyone off for each and every last piece.

It was such a wonderful thing on its own, and I think it would be versatile enough that adding a dipping sauce or a slight change to the ingredients and you could reinvent it. While eating them we had a interesting discussion on how different you could make these without really changing things.

They were a stand out on a day filled with stand outs. :)
It all looks wonderful, I could almost taste it! Absolutely love scallops. I would try this recipe in a heartbeat! I'm so glad you tried the candy caps, I was hoping someone would! Congrats on a well put together meal.

Sent from my iPhone using Cooking
I'm giving this 2 YUMS UP! :punk:
...and a dessert candy-cap-mushroom
icecream...who woulda' ever thunk it!
I'm impressed!
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Thank you to everyone for the kind comments. I have a blast with themed meals, and this one was no exception.

MollyAnne - The ice cream was the best surprise. It has the most amazing maple-butterscotchy flavors.

Somebunny, the scallop dish took little time to prepare once the veggies started to roast. The scallop flavor really shined through.

Spork, I may have to make the mushroom/goat cheese in filo for a potluck. They were just scrumptious at room temperature.
mushrooms not in season? perhaps foraged mushrooms have an issue in our area during times of snow and ice, but Pennsylvania is Mushroom USA and every month new harvests are ready...with staggered planting, we have shrooms every day of the year. Fresh foraged morels or chantarelles (my fave) are not around now tho...
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