Gimme Five

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
5 Reasons I Love Winter:

1. It gives me a break from the hot weather
2. It gives me a chance to feed the birds and squirls extra
3. The snow looks so innocent... like a white blanket... no prints of any kind
4. The air smells fresh... like it has just been clensed
5. The beauty of the snow on the ground and the ice surounding the tree limbs and the icecycles hanging from the houses and where ever

gimme 5 reasons why you like spring
Chocolate milk and toast at Brownie's resturant with my Dad
Hot cocoa and saltine crackers at my Gram's after playing in the snow
Summers at camp on the Sacanadage
REAL winters with LOTS of snow
Eating Hamburger and Beans by candles for dinner because of a power outtage

Gimme 5 Bette Davis Movies
Coat of Many Colors
Here You Come Again
9 to 5
Islands in the Stream

Gimme 5 places you've always wanted to visit
  1. I've been away from here too long.
  2. I'll eat anything that involves cheese, onions, or fried potatoes.
  3. Except okra and catfish.
  4. I'd rather have pie than birthday cake.
  5. Still getting the hang of making good fried chicken and gravy.
Gimme the names of five people (living or dead) you would like to have dinner with.
1. my mom Ann
2. my Grandma Jackson
3. my sister-in-law Bea
4. My friend Theresa Nunn
5. My friend Debbie Ritz
(the first 3 have all passed on but the last 2 a re still doable. As I was thinking about this, I realized that in my younger days this list would have been full of celebrities. Now, I just want friend s and family!)

gimme 5 things you do to keep warm.
Get in bed with my wife. ;)
Take a hot shower.
Wear socks, always.
Put on my fleece jacket.
Build a campfire (when camping of course).

What are you 5 favorite annual events?
Any holiday that involves gifts and food
Spring cleaning
My birthday (seperate from a holiday ****it)
And new knives day...

What are 5 ingredients that make up one of the nastiest dishes?
Snow Angels
Snowball fight

Give me 5 of your favorite guilty pleasure foods.
butter pecan ice cream
Snickers or Twix candy bars
garlic bread with cheese

Gimme five kinds of candy that you like (or used to) to indulge in.
reeses peanut butter cups
Hershey kisses
lemon sours

give me five things you usually do after dinner
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