Got some planning to do for these

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
I told Craig to get 2 ounces, but we got charged for way less than that. Haven't weighed them, but bag was awfully heavy for 2 ounces or less. Regardless, we've got lots of truffles to use. The dish is between 5 to 6 inches across.
Our usual advice here, is to wrap them in paper (kitchen roll will do), then place them in glass jars, closed tightly, in the fridge, for up to 3/4 days. Otherwise we freeze them, simply popping them into plastic freezer bags.
If you have enough... ;) how about making some truffle oil? That will probably last a fairly long time after the fresh are gone. Mashed potatoes with truffle oil, exquisite!
If you have enough... ;) how about making some truffle oil? That will probably last a fairly long time after the fresh are gone. Mashed potatoes with truffle oil, exquisite!
Again, with my botulism lecture ....

I make oil and butter with leftover ends, though my go to is the butter. The oil stays in the refrigerator for a few days, then into the freezer, defrosting when needed. the butter gets frozen as well.
Came up with some dishes for the black truffles:

Cheese ravioli in Parmigiano rind broth with shaved truffles

Poached chicken with a truffle/cheese crust, with pearled barley risotto

Gnocchi with crab, with a seafood pan sauce and shaved truffles

Pasta with a browned butter and robiola cheese sauce, with shaved truffles

Truffled shrimp risotto

Carpaccio with grated truffle over lightly dressed arugula plus eggs cocotte with duxelles, garnished with grated truffle and soldiers.
Same here Kathleen, most I've had experience with is the oil. I certainly didn't make it myself.
I have bought one of these cans to try ($17.00 gulp for 6.4 oz/183 gr) and actually don't remember which as the pictures are from their site. But whatever I even did with them was not memorable. There was quite a lot in the can depending on what you were making I guess it could be up to 3 dishes. Won't buy them again because I'm just not creative enough nor talented enough to use them properly. But I had to try at least once.


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