Once upon a time in a land far away (back in maybe 1960) the word "Gourmet" on something ment something ... probably more expensive ingredients (perhaps shallots instead of dried yellow onion flakes), prepared with a little more care, "should" taste a little better than the average Heinz bottled stuff sitting beside it on the shelf for 50-cents less ...
Today, when I see "Gourmet" on a label I just dismiss it as an overused term for marketing "hype". Really, when you pick up a package of "Gourmet Beef Jerky" and a pack of "regular beef jerky" that doesn't claim to be "gourmet" ... and they have the same ingredient listed .... does "Gourmet" really mean anything anymore?
Today, when I see "Gourmet" on a label I just dismiss it as an overused term for marketing "hype". Really, when you pick up a package of "Gourmet Beef Jerky" and a pack of "regular beef jerky" that doesn't claim to be "gourmet" ... and they have the same ingredient listed .... does "Gourmet" really mean anything anymore?