Grilled Thai Beef Salad

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Don Cash

Senior Cook
Nov 11, 2010
Richmond, Virginia
This is by far our favorite salad and pretty up there on our favorite grilled meal list too. If you like "meat" salads, give this one a try. It's awesome!

Flank marinated overnight, Irish beer and Irish kettle for St. Pat's...


Flank on. Enough with the beer, Irish vodka/rocks...


It's such a beautiful night here on the right coast we did some dancin' while the meat was cookin'...Shakedown Street! (click picture)

At the turn.






Seriously, this is one awesome salad. Give it a try. You won't be disappointed.

Thanks for looking!!
Sounds great and looks great Don and I think one of those two dancers will be on Dancing With The Stars in another year or two. Just in case you were wondering ... It will be the short cute one :?
Thanks, Don! That is a great look'n salad!

What a cute little girl. Enjoy that look in her eyes that says "your awsome, dad" because it won't be long(12yr old for me) and they will look at
you like your old, weird, and don't know anything. :LOL:

Great post.
That video is awesome! Salad looked almost as good, but that little cutie pie dancing gets my vote!

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