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No chicks, no Andy, but I can see the resemblance.
This breed is a bit more rare.
my friends from Canada had a keeshund (I think they originally came from Holland) Teddy was the most lovable and stupid dog that I've ever met.........oh, you want to steal me...oh, let me help climb over the fence I won't bite you.....I won't even bark...that's how they lost her but luckily were able to recover her.....oh, you don't like me breathing in your face well hold your breath let me and pant in your face. nonetheless..... but lovable just the same and a perfect kids's dog...and so sweet.......cried when she passed away a few years ago........the Egyptians thought that she was a monkey when she escaped the first time..........that's how they described her when she got loose..........

no, Pacanis, I think that you've got a totally different critter all clue......
Another very close resemblance, but it's not a foo dog either, nor is it considered a "spitz". Plus these guys' ears are either cropped very short or left hanging. They are a bit bigger, too. Here's another pic garnered off the web. Yep, they grow BIG :ohmy:
I think this shouldn't be that hard...

To which car does this rearlight belong?


  • DCautohinten.jpg
    63.5 KB · Views: 169
I knew it was easy - but nothing else came to my mind... :)
my friends '62 or '63 T-Bird..


  • TB0002kl.jpg
    63.5 KB · Views: 159
owtsharcharkas were used as bear- and wolf-dogs among sheep in the caucasian Region of Russia.
They do look a bit like sheep, but are able to defend their flock against predators..
this explains all the Russian links.....which of course I can't read............thanks for the explanation, cara, and greatly explains the "Causcasion" part of it...........really did want to know............sorry if I preempted the sports car........sorry guys.......was it guessed???
If you really want to read up on them, expat, spell it ovtcharka. That should produce a few more "english friendly" sites :)

Dang, UB, that was quick.
oh, thanks, pacanis, i will certainly do that...........I'm actually copying this word down.......any idea as to what it means???? sorry I'm a nut on what words mean.......etymology is our disease......people always look at me oddly when I want to know what the word means........lots of weird stares over the years.......don't care........inquiring minds want to know........cerainly helps in playing Pictionary..........hahahha...I would guess that ovt means to repel as in "off" we'll see ...........thanks so much...........
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