Hello from a Newbie

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Assistant Cook
Oct 27, 2010
Hello everyone. I accidentally found this site while looking for the recipe for Boeuf Bourguignon. Such a wealth of knowledge, ideas and tips. This should be fun and informative.

By the way, I did try Julia's recipe today and though 'Good' - it did not have the wow factor I anticipated. May or may not make it again. I am a gourmet wannabe. I enjoy good food and love cooking it, too.
Why does it say Assistant Cook under my user name?

I know I probably should not post this here - but blame my newbieness.
I am just a person who loves to cook.
It is a "title" based on the number of post you have made so far. If you look different members are at different levels.

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