Help Uploading Pictures

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Uncle Bob

Chef Extraordinaire
Nov 5, 2006
Small Town Mississippi
I cannot get a picture to upload in the Member Photo section...
It is 640 X 480...135 KB....I fill in the starts..but never finishes.
Any ideas?????
Are you uploading more than one picture? If so, try one at a time. If you are not uploading more than one at a time someone MUCH wiser will come along. :chef:
Am trying to upload 1 picture at a time...It starts...then says it's "done" but the screen is blank and I find myself OFF of DC...

Thanks for responding kitchenchef!!!
No...on the Photo Bucket....its says browse...and choose file to upload off of my computer (which is a bucket of bolts) :) Am trying to upload off of my computer...
I always upload a pic to photobucket then copy the url once it is saved to photobucket and paste it to DC. That's the way it works for me, anyway. Somewhere in there I choose the proper size.
Thanks for trying to help me kitchenchef...I was just trying to use the format that DC provides in the Member Photo section...Maybe I can try again later...

Thanks so much again!!!
Well maybe someone will come along and clue us both in...I'm not very computer savvy...Think I will sign off and see if I can find a can of Sardines for!

Thanks for taking the time to try and help...:flowers:
I always use photobucket except for my avatar here. Haven't tried to use the site's program for anything else. Sorry.
Thanks Pook...

I thought about that situation too...Think I will give up and try another day...

Thanks again for all of your help!!

Now it's time for Chocolate ice cream!!:clap:
Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Keep in mind that even after you browse, and upload, the pic will not appear in your post until you submit and it's posted to the thread. Pics don't appear in the typing window or the preview post pane.
There was a problem with the new server and it was missing a piece for graphics. Please try again and send a message through the "Contact Us" section and choose "Technical Support" if you get problem like this again.

Thanks Andy and Ben!!

SUCCESS!! It worked this morning!! I posted 4 pictures in Member Photos/Where We Live...

Thanks Again to everyone who responded...Thanks for the "tip" on how to get technical support Ben

Uncle Bob
Uncle Bob, Just got back. Love your sofa and your wood pile MORE. We burn wood at our house. Neat that you in the red shirt?

Red shirt? Not suppose to be anyone in the pictures..unless it was a squirrel or maybe a chipmunk...

Ah the red shirt...That is a lovely lady from the Boston area...Another DC member's photo...
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Uncle Bob, I baked bread today have the photos on my computer. I went to browse 2. upload 3. submit It did not work. Would you "walk me through" how you inserted your photos? Thanks
Shunka, What is Photobucket? I baked bread today. Have the photos in my computer. Cannot make it work. I just asked Uncle Bob for help.
1.Went to Brouse 2. upload from my computer location given 3. submit
I was not successful. Can you help?

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