How do they put photos on cakes?

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Senior Cook
Jun 23, 2020
How are photos put on cakes? Is there more than one method? I saw a video from 12 years ago in which a clear sheets is printed with an edible ink and it's basically pressed on the cake like a temporary tattoo. I guess they don't print images directly onto a cake? How does it work?
You need special edible paper and edible ink. I suppose you could do it on your home printer, but it wouldn't be very sanitary. Places that print edible pictures have dedicated printers just for food.
Image transfer, the early years. 😉🤭😂

Does the edible sheet melt into cake or something?

Do they do this only for cake tops or can an image be wrapped around the outside?
Decades ago, my next door neighbour developed a way of silk-screen printing onto cakes. (This was back in the 1980's.) He was a silk screen printer by trade, and found a way of using clean silk screens and edible dyes. He was able to take photos, and convert them into images - somehow making them appear on the cake surface. It was a delicate process and only worked on pretty firm iced cakes. But always impressed me! (And no computers involved at all.)
I've been a professional photographer for 40 years, and have absolutely no idea how they put photos on cakes. I know what the OP is talking about, and have seen them, but I am 100-percent clueless about how thay do it.

I've been a professional photographer for 40 years, and have absolutely no idea how they put photos on cakes. I know what the OP is talking about, and have seen them, but I am 100-percent clueless about how thay do it.

There are several different printers that use edible inks to print on an edible sugar ‘paper’.

Check out Amazon! LOL you can buy sheets of printed designs for you cakes and/or cupcakes.
Also google your local area, read that Costco will accept a picture and have it printed on edible for you - or something to that affect. Other bakeries in town might be able to do special orders too. Just remember that they are special orders and may take several days - plan ahead!

such Fun! there is a printed $100 bill to decorate a cake with - what a great novelty cake for someone!
Photos on cakes are typically printed on edible paper using food-safe ink. Once printed, they're carefully placed onto the cake's surface. Edible adhesive or a thin layer of frosting helps secure the photo in place, ensuring it stays intact for consumption.
Has anyone created a printer that can print directly on a cake? I know they have chocolate 3D printers so 2D should be simple. Lol.
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