How do you like to drink coffee?

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How do you like your coffee?

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How can coffee be "black with cream and sugar?":ermm:

It's either black or with cream and sugar.

I like mine black but not burned-tasting like Starbucks.

Favorite is Kona and Jamaican Blue Mountain
I like Blue Mountain and I also like a Colombian blend from my local supermarket. I like a rich flavour, but without bitterness.

I also love Turkish or Greek style coffee - black and with lots of grounds in the base of each small cup. I always raise eyebrows when I say 'no sugar'..... I believe the sugar helps the grounds sink to the bottom... There is such a skill in drinking the coffee WITHOUT finding a mouthful of grounds at the end of the cup!

I don't like Starbucks AT ALL! I also don't like that they are on every corner (or so it seems) in many of our towns in the UK. There has always (well, since the 1800s!) a tradition of coffee bars owned by Italians or Scottish families with Italian ancestry (in the case of many, they've been here since the 1800s). Many of them are being forced out of business by the aggressive marketing techniques of foreign chains like Starbucks and our own UK chains are following suit...

I HATE globalisation in foodstuffs! We'll soon all be eating and drinking the same stuff whether we live in London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Dallas, Abu Dhabi or Timbuktoo...:mrgreen:
I have the same problem with Star Bucks. They are like McDonalds only really expensive. I have also read where because of their buying power they beat up the producers over price. If I spend 6 bucks for a cup of coffee it should have whiskey in it and delivered to my house. Luckily I have access to 2 coffee shops within 2 blocks of my place.

I have been drinking coffee with Vanilla in it and it is very good. Recently I have seen raw cocoa beans available in the spice market. I think it is a little bitter but with all the sugar I put in coffee maybe it will be more Mocha like.

I don't know whether or not it is an urban myth, but I heard that it was the ambition of Starbucks' management that you could stand at the door of one branch and see the next one further down the same road.....

OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO.... Apart from not liking the taste of their stuff, I wouldn't drink there, on principle!
GB said:
Very few people who I know actually enjoy Starbucks. The few that I know who do like it are the ones who get their coffee loaded with so much other stuff that it is no longer coffee :cool:

OUCH! Starbucks is our DATE place.
Every sunday morning we go there and
just relax and talk and read.
LOL.. but, I do load my coffee with lots of white

That being said... I've not had coffee in FIVE days now.
I decided I was drinking way too much so I quit cold turkey!! My head has been killing me for three days...
Hang in there, pds! You'll feel better. Just pop some Tylenol or Advil to get through the headaches.

I went through the same thing when I got pregnant. Now I'm just fine in the morning, even without my caffine!
pdswife said:
OUCH! Starbucks is our DATE place.
Every sunday morning we go there and
just relax and talk and read.
LOL.. but, I do load my coffee with lots of white

That being said... I've not had coffee in FIVE days now.
I decided I was drinking way too much so I quit cold turkey!! My head has been killing me for three days...

Oops :cool: Sorry, PDS. Anway, it wouldn't do if we all liked the same things, now would it! :mrgreen:
Coffee is very Dutch. They like it strong. Espresso is popular here. We don't have starbucks! It is probably a matter of time as I have heard their European headquarters are in Amsterdam.

Does anybody have a Senseo? This is a coffee maker using coffee pads. It is simpler to use than an espresso machine. That is why we have one. Senseo is very popular here and makes delicious coffee.

I drink Senseo with coffee milk. In a restaurant or cafe I always order cappaccino.
jennyema said:
How can coffee be "black with cream and sugar?":ermm:

It's either black or with cream and sugar.

LOL! You know, you'd be surprised how many people say that. The other day, one of the waiters had this guest who ordered something like that:

Waiter: Would you like some coffee, tea, or any after-dinner drinks?

Lady: I'll have a coffee, black, with lots of cream and Splenda.

Waiter: But you want it black?

Lady: Yes! But with lots of cream and Splenda. Just make sure it's black.

Waiter: Uh....ok.
mine isnt on the poll:ermm:. i like my coffee STRONG with a splash of soy milk. not a big fan of cow milk, and i think coffee makes milk or cream taste sour.
Coffee is very Dutch. They like it strong. Espresso is popular here. We don't have starbucks! It is probably a matter of time as I have heard their European headquarters are in Amsterdam.

Does anybody have a Senseo? This is a coffee maker using coffee pads. It is simpler to use than an espresso machine. That is why we have one. Senseo is very popular here and makes delicious coffee.

I drink Senseo with coffee milk. In a restaurant or cafe I always order cappaccino.
Dutch people like strong coffee and espresso is a popular option. There are no Starbucks in the Netherlands also, but Senseo is a popular coffee maker that uses coffee pods. It's easy to use and makes good coffee.
Usually black. Always strong. When I make it at home, it's usually either in an ibrik (Arabic style) or a stovetop "espresso" maker ("moka pot").
I'm trying a new roaster this week. Atomic Coffee Roasters

I bought their dark roast bundle.


This roasted and shipped Monday and I had it on hand Thursday.

I started with the Intensi because it was the one I was most dubious about. It is ok, but not what I would buy on the regular. I think this comes down to their listed nutmeg notes.

I tried the Black Velvet second and I enjoyed it more. This was second on my list of dubious. It was nice but I thought it lacked something, instead of having something I wasn't fond of. I don't think I could put this on the regular either, just because it leaves me wanting.

I finally tried the Diesel. I really like this one. It isn't as bold as I expected but it doesn't leave me thinking it is missing anything, or that it has something that should have been left out. It could be a daily driver, but I am not sure I am ready to get married.

All of these were prepared as espresso and drank straight, as a cortado or as a latte so that I could see how they fared in different preparations that I use. I still have plenty of beans left so I will keep at the rotation to see if time helps with the flavor of each. I am back to the Intensi today and it isn't as disappointing as Thursday, so maybe there is hope.
I like Blue Mountain and I also like a Colombian blend from my local supermarket. I like a rich flavour, but without bitterness.

I also love Turkish or Greek style coffee - black and with lots of grounds in the base of each small cup. I always raise eyebrows when I say 'no sugar'..... I believe the sugar helps the grounds sink to the bottom... There is such a skill in drinking the coffee WITHOUT finding a mouthful of grounds at the end of the cup!

I don't like Starbucks AT ALL! I also don't like that they are on every corner (or so it seems) in many of our towns in the UK. There has always (well, since the 1800s!) a tradition of coffee bars owned by Italians or Scottish families with Italian ancestry (in the case of many, they've been here since the 1800s). Many of them are being forced out of business by the aggressive marketing techniques of foreign chains like Starbucks and our own UK chains are following suit...

I drink black coffee, either with sugar or not depending on my mood. I also drink lattes. Haven't bought any Starbucks drinks tho, just visiting my local coffee shops (the traditional ones or the modern ones)

But, I don't drink coffee everyday since I prefer tea more
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I don't drink coffee anymore, if I do it's decaffeinated, no milk, just a little sugar.
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