How do you private message someone???

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Head Chef
Dec 5, 2018
Columbus, Ohio
"Private", meaning, of course, that no one else can see the conversation. I'm completely lost. There's nowhere, that I see, inside a person's public post, to click on that allows you to PM them. And even when you click on their username, there are checkboxes giving you a choice between "Allow anyone in the conversation to invite others" or "Lock conversation (no responses will be allowed)."

What does that even mean??? I just want to PM someone. Perhaps I'm loopy and completely missing something, but I see no options to send someone a private message. I feel silly even asking this question because I'm probably missing something obvious, but... well... here I am, asking this question. :innocent:
You should see an envelope icon, on the Discuss Cooking page header/menu bar.

Click on it and it will bring up the message option.

A private message is only as private as the people involved. The recipient can forward it to others or include others in a response.

Some folks have the option disabled or their mailbox may be too full and are unable to receive a message.

Anyway, just look for the little envelope.
You should see an envelope icon, on the Discuss Cooking page header/menu bar.

Click on it and it will bring up the message option.

A private message is only as private as the people involved. The recipient can forward it to others or include others in a response.

Some folks have the option disabled or their mailbox may be too full and are unable to receive a message.

Anyway, just look for the little envelope.
Thank you :)

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