I Just Bought A Nook

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
I was at B&N looking for reading materials for vacation. The book I was looking for was sold out @ $28.00. The book is immediately available for download to a Nook at exactly half price.

I figured if I bought a basic Nook, I would be able to take this book to Aruba, lighten the load in my luggage and pay for the Nook with cheaper book purchases fairly quickly. I bought the El Cheapo model for $79. to minimize my investment in case I didn't like it. When I download the first book for $14, I will have "reduced the price" of the Nook to $65.

I haven't been following the book/eBook threads as I didn't think I was interested.
You're going to love it Andy! My kids bought me the Nook Tablet Christmas before last, and I must say I've never enjoyed a gift more. I didn't think I wanted one but boy was I wrong. For one thing,because it's back lit, I can read anywhere without the light being perfect and so I'm reading more than I have in many years. They are great for trips and at home too. Enjoy!
When I first read the title, I immediately thought of "Nooks and Crannies." How do you buy a Nook? I thought it might be a cabinet of some sort. I need a vacation. :angel:
I love my ereader! I avoided getting one for years thinking I was too old school to be able to adapt. I was totally wrong. Great prices and instant gratification in getting the books I want is great. You will love it! Welcome to the dark side. =o)
Does the Nook allow the end user to backup their book purchases locally?

This is one reason that I've stayed away from ereaders and especially Amazon's offerings. In the Kindel universe Amazon retains control of your purchases and can wipe the device remotely.

When I buy a physical book the store can't repossess it at will. E-copies should have the same protection for the consumer.

Does the Nook allow the end user to backup their book purchases locally?

This is one reason that I've stayed away from ereaders and especially Amazon's offerings. In the Kindel universe Amazon retains control of your purchases and can wipe the device remotely.

When I buy a physical book the store can't repossess it at will. E-copies should have the same protection for the consumer.


I feel just the opposite. I like that they keep a copy of my books so I don't have to. That could use a lot of memory for as active as some of our E-readers are. And when I get a new computer, download the Kindle app, bang, my books are all there.
Have you ever heard of them "wiping" a person's purchases? That seems pretty unscrupulous. I can't imagine the reason they would give.
Amazon Prime video works the same way basically, though they do give you the option to actually download a video. It costs a lot more though.
I have kindle, but the same idea, right. I love it. So much cheapper than buying books. And that is only the half of the bargin. What do you do with all those books. I had to buy more book shelves to fit the ones we have at home. After that i told my wife to stop buying books and look at kindle purchases. Definitely much better deal.
Welcome to the Dark Side Andy! I think any ereader is a great investment, and so perfect for travel. I love all my Kindles, and the Amazon service is, bar none, the best. Recently, I got DH and I each a Kindle Paperwhite, which weighs about the same as a deck of cards. Same size screen as the original Kindle, but the PPW is ALL screen, so much smaller than the original, and it can be adjusted to read in any light, from pitch dark to beach sun. It functions much like an iPad. I still have my Kindle 2, which will stay in its waterproof case for in-pool reading. My first Kindle 2 was defective, and I promptly got a replacement from Amazon. I too like that you can download the Kindle app and read your library on just about everything but the fridge.

Can you get a waterproof case for the Nook? Before I got my waterproof Kindle hard case, I would use a ziplock.
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I feel just the opposite. I like that they keep a copy of my books so I don't have to. That could use a lot of memory for as active as some of our E-readers are. And when I get a new computer, download the Kindle app, bang, my books are all there.
Have you ever heard of them "wiping" a person's purchases? That seems pretty unscrupulous. I can't imagine the reason they would give.
Amazon Prime video works the same way basically, though they do give you the option to actually download a video. It costs a lot more though.

There are many, many such claims. The end-user has no option for "redress of grievance" it is at the sole discretion of Amazon.

Here is one example. Amazon wipes customer's Kindle and deletes account with no explanation | Money | guardian.co.uk
I love my Kindle. My brother has a Nook, and he likes it as well. I got a Kindle because I was at the Exchange with my dad last year on Valentine's Day. He asked me what I'd like for a Valentine's Day present. After wandering around a bit, I settled on a Kindle. I wasn't sure I'd like it--a friend had one and gave it away after reading one book. I no longer have to lug books with me when I go to MN! I can save room in my suitcase for things I want to bring back. I think you'll love the convenience when traveling of taking several books, but in a compact size. I too got the el-cheapo because I wasn't sure I'd like it. It works for me.
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There are many, many such claims. The end-user has no option for "redress of grievance" it is at the sole discretion of Amazon.

Here is one example. Amazon wipes customer's Kindle and deletes account with no explanation | Money | guardian.co.uk

Interesting. Thanks for the link.

Kind of like a forum, huh? Tick off the right people and BAM! You've been wiped! :LOL:
I'll bet they did *something*. I've found Amazon to be pretty reasonable. I bought... errr, I guess *rented* is the correct term, a book that was misrepresented by the cover. I thought I was getting the 2012 edition shown, when in fact I was delivered an older version. The 2012 was not yet available electronically I found. I called and they got rid of the charges, but they were quick to remind me by email to delete the copy I had on my computer or remove it from my library (or something).
Gotta play by the rules. :)
I was resistant to an ereader as well. Didn't think any electronic product could compare to the feel/texture of a traditional book. My husband suprised me with a Nook color and I love it! Thinks he regrets getting it for me now because I use it all the time. LOL. I rarely buy books for it, although it is much cheaper than purchasing traditional books. I have shared books with friends but mostly get my books from the library for FREE. super easy to download and easy on the budget. My husband recently got a Kindle Fire HD and likes it as well. Thinking about getting my mom a Nook for her birthday, she travels alot and makes a trip a week to the library. Hope you cont. to enjoy your purchase.
Love my Kindle. I have books on it that I love and will reread. Perfect for when I got to appointments and have to wait, but not mind being interrupted.
This is a fresh bump because of a problem that has come up with my Nook Simple Touch. All was well at first and I have several books in my library, but the most recent addition to my library won't download. The Nook says I'm not connected to wi-fi, but it worked previously and I've done nothing to change settings. The 'connection page' lists my ISP, which is requiring me to enter a password in order to connect. I put in the only password I have for the ISP, but it was rejected. I should "try again." I don't remember any other one(s). shriek

Anyone else have this happen?

All I can think of is going back to the phone company DSL/ISP provider and try to change/reset the password -- with the level of customer service in the past that will be a fate worse than death.
Lizzie, first try powering off your nook and then turn it on again after a couple minutes. I've had this happen and it worked.

Is your connection working on your computer? The first call I would make would be to Barnes and Nobel. Their service desk as been very good for me.

I've had that happen on my iPad before. Probably from inactivity and letting the power run down.
What Kay said, try powering off and on again, then letting it reacquire the signal.

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