I loved boiled garlic and eat dozens daily...is this healthy?

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Well, about eating too much garlic, I don't know. Depending on how many bats are in your belfry could make a difference, I reckon.


Once when I was a kid, I was in the kitchen with Mom as usual, at her elbow as she cooked. I wanted a taste of uncooked garlic, so I picked up a clove and bit right into it.

Since garlic can pair nicely with tomatoes I guess we haven't strayed too far OT, right? :huh:

In case you're interested, this is a short-and-sweet history of the Love Apple. (tomato (fruit) -- Encyclopedia Britannica) I especially like the part about tomatoes being grown in Thomas Jefferson's garden. I'm rather fond of our 3rd president.

Well, we finally have someone who can spell long words. YEA :flowers: Thank you CG. You didn't run to Wiki. And we all know how reliable that source is. :angel:
Since garlic can pair nicely with tomatoes I guess we haven't strayed too far OT, right? :huh:

In case you're interested, this is a short-and-sweet history of the Love Apple. (tomato (fruit) -- Encyclopedia Britannica) I especially like the part about tomatoes being grown in Thomas Jefferson's garden. I'm rather fond of our 3rd president.

If you've never been to his home in Monticello, it's worth a visit. The foundation that maintains the property has planted the garden the same way he did - he kept detailed notes on everything he did. The rest of the house is pretty interesting, too.
We're back from a week's vacation and I found one garlic bulb and a separate clove sprouting. I'll plant them in the garden tomorrow.

Do you just plant a clove and get bulbs from it!

Well, we finally have someone who can spell long words. YEA :flowers: Thank you CG. You didn't run to Wiki. And we all know how reliable that source is. :angel:

I think Wiki is fairly accurate on many things.
It's more accurate than it used to be. I think they tightened up on the idea of allowing anyone to edit anything.

And it is because anyone could go in and change the information to their liking. Most of the correct information has been copied from reliable sources. But some of it is way out of date, needs updating and just plain garbage. :angel:
If you've never been to his home in Monticello, it's worth a visit. The foundation that maintains the property has planted the garden the same way he did - he kept detailed notes on everything he did. The rest of the house is pretty interesting, too.
GG, we've been there two or three times. I think my favorite thing is the hole in the foyer so that the clock weight can drop down. It gives me a smile knowing even super-smart Jefferson could make a mistake. We've also been to Poplar Forest at least twice. I think I like that one even better just because that's where he would go to "relax".
GG, we've been there two or three times. I think my favorite thing is the hole in the foyer so that the clock weight can drop down. It gives me a smile knowing even super-smart Jefferson could make a mistake. We've also been to Poplar Forest at least twice. I think I like that one even better just because that's where he would go to "relax".

We've had six exchange students, so I'd guess we've been there are least five times ;) DH took pictures of his book holder at the Jefferson Memorial in DC and sent them to his dad, who is a retired Ford engineer and enjoys wood-working. He made me a replica of the book holder from the pix alone!


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GG, that is VERY nice!! My son-in-law does wood working, too - I so appreciate hand made wood work from talented folks.
GG, we've been there two or three times. I think my favorite thing is the hole in the foyer so that the clock weight can drop down. It gives me a smile knowing even super-smart Jefferson could make a mistake. We've also been to Poplar Forest at least twice. I think I like that one even better just because that's where he would go to "relax".
Monticello and it's garden is on my list of "to does" if and when I ever get to the States. There are several references to it in Jane Grigson's veg book

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