In Remembrance of Our Dear Friend Buck

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Thanks deelady and quicksilver. I really appreciate your thoughts, comments and hugs. For some reason the last week or so has been especially trying for me. Lots of tears for no apparent reason.

I still keep hoping Buck will come through the front door or I'll see him sitting in the recliner in the family in the afternoon as he usually did. I can't believe he's gone and I want him back. I don't want to be the widow who lives in the big house on the hill.

The silence is killing me. I sooo miss talking with him. No one stops by and the phone rarely rings. Some days I feel as though I've been put into solitary confinement. I sorely wish my kitties could talk.

Deelady, that poem is beautiful. Did you write it? If so, you wrote from the heart. The words are comforting and I'm going to print it out to read again and again. Thanks.
I'm sorry you had such a bad week. Please don't go it alone and tell us after. You are not alone. I know we're not Buck. But the #s here who love and worry about you can sure try to get you through this, Katie. Your loneliness is just a testament matched by your love. That will never go away. All my {{ }} hugs for you.
You must try to keep the TV or radio on. It does help. You'll hear something funny, and laugh inspite of yourself. Or hear something that makes you angry or frustrated and you'll find yourself telling it off, then laugh when you realize what you must sound/look like. I know that sounds simple and silly, but it does work sometimes.
I know I can say this without reservation; PM anyone here, if you want or need to talk. We all care and so many here on at anytime of day or night. And all would do whatever you need. So remember that. Okay, dear lady?

Katie I did not write that myself but I am so glad you found comfort in it because it was from the heart just the same.And you cryng is not at all for no reason, you have every reason. Sometimes you just need a good cry. It does help at times.
And just like Quicksilver said , There is ALWAYS someone here to talk with, and I know there are countless here that would love to sit and listen as a friend if you ever want to talk about your dear Buck. I never had the pleasure of getting to know him personally, but anytime you want to reminisce about Buck I would love to listen!

And Quicksilver I don't think that sounded simple or silly at all! It does indeed help.
Katie, something you said brought me back to old remembrances "no one stops by and the phone rarely rings". I became a widow too young in life. My husband's death tore my heart apart. And when I most needed people, it became the very time when they decided I needed to be left alone.

Friends meant to stop by, but they rarely did. Family meant to come but there was always another soccer game, company picnic, or whatever.

The truth is, for the most part, they are uncomfortable. They don't know what to say. They don't know what to do.

I don't have answers. I understand where you are.

God bless you.
Katie, I'm sorry you are feeling so lonesome right now. The changing of the seasons reminds us of the passage of time. It seems so unfair to be alone without your Buck. Do you have any friends nearby that you can call or go visit when you're feeling so lonely? DH is often away and I'm home alone. I will call my sister or go to the park where others are just to be around people or to talk to someone. The tv or radio is also a good idea but sometimes you need that human presence. I think of you every now then, especially when I see rockers on porches. I hope you can find some comfort.
We all say Katie I'm here and I am, but I haven't reached out to you and I'm sorry..I guess we all think that we've said here I am and then we wait to see if you need us..Instead we need to be the ones who reach out to you..I understand you loneliness I still find myself reach for the phone to call my mother or dad..then realize I can't..I still dream of them and am disapointed when I wake and I'm still alone..It gets further apart as time passes, and the ache lessens,but our memories grow sharper and sweeter as time passes..If I can help in any way Katie I will
we're here......we're here.......we're here...........just let us know how we can help.......I still think about Buck to this day and when certain posts come up I think about how he would have answered this or that.........if I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around him being gone then god only knows what you're going thru..........Thanksgiving is looming around the corner.......please make sure that you are with your family which I'm sure that you will be.........the holidays are the hardest....I lost my mother when I was 9 so I know.........truly I know........
Katie, I reread through these and it reminded me that although I don't call enough or write you enough or PM you enough, you're always right here in my....................
Peaceful days and quiet nights are wished for you..........


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Thank you, quicksilver. You must be psychic because I've had a very, very difficult week. Not sure why, but I'm spent.

I'm beginning to feel the effects of not being able to sit on the front porch as long as usual. I'm now driven inside about 6 p.m. either because it's too chilly to be outside or because it's getting dark. Of course, when Daylight Saving Time ends soon, it will be dark even earlier.

I sooo miss talking to someone. Buck and I used to talk for hours every day. I work at the shop 5 days a week and the phone never rings there. Well, it doesn't ring at home either.

Some days I feel like a dolt because I have no interaction/conversation with a human.

Again, thanks for your kind and generous thoughts. They mean a lot.
Thanks, Pytn. I've considered that. Our daughter lives in Los Angeles, which is not my cup of tea. Oldest son lives in suburban Washington, DC and is making plans to move to Tennessee/West Virginia. The other three live in the Atlanta, Georgia area. However two of the three are making plans to move. One to northern California, the other perhaps to Florida. They're not sure yet. Our society is much more mobile than when I was growing up. After a lot of thought and review of finances, moving would be least for the near future.
ok, then, how about a community center or, look up groups in your area for things that you have an interest in. Check your local church. Do you like to knit, play bridge, what do you like to do Katie? I don't want you to be lonely. There are other ladies out there, just like you, that are looking for someone to spend some time with or just be able to call and talk. God Bless Katie, I wish you happiness again!!
Thank you, quicksilver. You must be psychic because I've had a very, very difficult week. Not sure why, but I'm spent.

I'm beginning to feel the effects of not being able to sit on the front porch as long as usual. I'm now driven inside about 6 p.m. either because it's too chilly to be outside or because it's getting dark. Of course, when Daylight Saving Time ends soon, it will be dark even earlier.

I sooo miss talking to someone. Buck and I used to talk for hours every day. I work at the shop 5 days a week and the phone never rings there. Well, it doesn't ring at home either.

Some days I feel like a dolt because I have no interaction/conversation with a human.

Again, thanks for your kind and generous thoughts. They mean a lot.

i certainly can relate katie, i am always surprised to find a week gone by with no contact with other people. i guess i have gotten used to it and it doesn't bother me so much anymore. my son lives five min. away and i see him only a couple times a months . my daughter is one hour away and i see her every two months or so. so even if you moved nearer kids, they have their own lives and you will see them less than you think.

i have a lot of hobbies to keep me busy. if i get lonely i just go with it and it passes soon enough. i have a friend my age, we talk about four times a week. you will just need more time to adjust to being single. it takes a while. in mean time, you can talk to us at d.c. :cool:
ok, then, how about a community center or, look up groups in your area for things that you have an interest in. Check your local church. Do you like to knit, play bridge, what do you like to do Katie? I don't want you to be lonely. There are other ladies out there, just like you, that are looking for someone to spend some time with or just be able to call and talk. God Bless Katie, I wish you happiness again!!

I agree. Katie, I think you need to get yourself out there somehow. I know it's easier said then done. I do think that reaching out will give you something to grab onto.
Katie, hoping Halloween brings you lots of little ones filled with excitement, giggles and greedy little hands! I hope you have lots of your own smiles and giggles tomorrow night too!

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