ISO Food Processor Bowl

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Assistant Cook
Aug 17, 2008
Does anyone have a suggestion where I can get a food processor bowl for a Cousances de France food processor? Or a substitute that will work.

You would think they'd make these things to last longer than 30 years.

The brand is extinct. Google & eBay don't have anything.
LOL on the 30 years!!!!! I need a new bowl too.

BUT, if the brand isn't made anymore I'm not sure what you would do. I guess I'd be searching Google to see if anyone has replace with a bowl from a different processor successfully.

I do NOT want to buy a new processor - - - they are not made nearly as well and mine is about 30 years old too - I just need a new lid but mine is easy to get. seems to be raining food processors where I live. I have a KA kfp600 (made in France,w/all the accessory blades), and am ready to dump it. I have found, in various thrift stores over the past month, a Cuis' DLC-7, DLC-8 and DLC-10. All under $10. Gave away the DLC-10, am using the DLC-7 currently, and found the eight blade accessory pack and egg whisk for the DLC-8 in the store that had the DLC-8 for $4 and $1.50, respectively. Also found a new (Chinese) KA kfp750, which a friend had already stated a desire for. It was pricey at $70. The Cuis's are older models, made in Japan by Toshiba. All the newer EVERYTHING comes from China. Good luck with your a pic...wanted poster. One never knows...
Cousances de France

Do you still need a bowl for you Cousances de France food processor? I have one and some old blades, etc., if you still need them.
Does anyone have a suggestion where I can get a food processor bowl for a Cousances de France food processor? Or a substitute that will work.

You would think they'd make these things to last longer than 30 years.

The brand is extinct. Google & eBay don't have anything.

I am so glad you asked. It is called Gourmet Depot. They carry replacement parts for small kitchen appliances. Even for companies that have gone out of business. Both domestic and foreign.

Or you can call them at 1-800-424-6783 :chef:
Cousances de France food processor chopping blade

Does anyone have a chopping blade for a Cousances de France food processor?

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I am so glad you asked. It is called Gourmet Depot. They carry replacement parts for small kitchen appliances. Even for companies that have gone out of business. Both domestic and foreign.

Or you can call them at 1-800-424-6783 :chef:

Give them a call. I get parts for my Robot Coupe and still can. They have been out of business for years. They were a French Company.
Cousances Food Processor


They do not have the parts at the Gourmet

I haven't ever seen a Cousances de France food processor.
Do you have a model number? There is a possibility that someone makes parts, called universal parts, that might work. I am not sure but it might be an avenue you could explore.
Cousances de France food processor = Sunbeam Le Chef?

Hi--my Cousances de France food processor bowl is about to give up the ghost, and since the motor is still in fine working order, I'd like to find a replacement bowl. In reading through this thread, I see that my quest may be an exercise in frustration.
I believe the Cousances was a rebranding of a Sunbeam Le Chef food processor. It was commissioned and distributed by a Chicago firm called Schiller and Asmus. I'm still working on finding the product number. Any clues or leads would be much appreciated.
Sunbeam product numbers

According to Laura from Laura's Last Ditch, who is extremely knowledgeable about this subject, the Sunbeam number to match may be 14-56 or 14-5E. I've also seen it as 14056. You may find Laura at: or on

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