ISO ideas for playdate foods

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Head Chef
Apr 25, 2007
soon I will be having a midmorning get together with a few mothers and kids (platdate for the kids).

im thinking of making bannana bread and one other thing. any ideas?
Are we talking toddlers here? Nothing too messy then. If they are toddlers, I assume they are peachy with anything, the parents you have to get jived.
a platter of carrot sticks, celery, cucumber, cheese and dip or something as well?
It depends on how old the kids are....
Real little ones like cheese, bananas, graham crackers with jelly.

Older kids would like pizza bagels, sandwiches cut with cookie cutter, etc.

Banana bread is a good idea...just keep the nuts out. It seems more and more kids have nut alergies lately.
cheese, crackers, fruit. That's about all I can get my kids to eat when there's all the excitement of a bunch of other kids around!
I am not sure of the offical name but I have seen them done on the Food Network. Bite size omelet using a mini muffin pan. You can put some ham and/or diced veggies in each spot then pour your eggs over it and bake....cheese would be yummy too! My two year old loves eggs and I think this would go over great with her!!
Bean, that's a great idea! My dd would love those for breakfast.

I second the fruit and cheese ideas. Just make sure that everything's easy to eat and clean up. DD and I went to a friend's yesterday and they had sliced strawberries for the two girls. A great snack but there was strawberry juice everywhere! Stick to apples (peeled if toddlers), bananas, that sort of thing.

If you want to reduce the amount of mess you'll have with banana bread, you could always bake that in mini-muffin tins, too.

I always have some whole-wheat crackers or graham crackers around, too, when we have kids over to play, just in case they don't like what else we're snacking on. They seem like good, safe stand-bys!
My mom use to make what we would call rainbow banana's. She would slice up some bananas into a bowl and then coose several flavors of boxed jello and pour the mix into a bunch of little bowls. We would take a slice of banana, decide what flavor we would want to dip it in and eat. It's not the healthiest snack, but it kept us entertained for at least a little while. We were pretty rowdy kids.
Kids love seedles grapes!!

Of course when I was a kid it was iced graham crackers(butter cream icing--stiff), bananas, 'Nilla wafers, Koolaid, etc.

make pudding and put into the lil bathroom size dixie cups.
Its enough for them and clean up just toss all away.

Finger jello is always good.
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