i've about a half kilo of small pieces of chicken thighs

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Head Chef
Sep 11, 2021
what can i do with it?

i'm not sure i want to make oil based marinade with spices and fry in the pan.

what else would you suggest?

i think i will make it kosher. which means without dairy..

i'm also making pasta marinara today so maybe i can find a way to use both together somehow

the pieces are about one centimeter each

Chicken fried rice.

Chicken fajitas.

Chicken cacciatore.

Chicken salad.

It’s hot and humid here so I would opt for a salad that I could put together in the cooler hours and chill for later in the day.
my chicken is already half thawed.
i want to ask.. if i begin to thaw from start. can i do an hour of thawing outside the fridge and then put in the fridge? to make things quicker.. i'm talking on summer but my home is air conditioned
Seeing to believe?
Are your chicken thighs skin on or off?
How many do you have?
skinless boneless and cut small
half a kilo
i've made fajitas and the end


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my chicken is already half thawed.
i want to ask.. if i begin to thaw from start. can i do an hour of thawing outside the fridge and then put in the fridge? to make things quicker.. i'm talking on summer but my home is air conditioned

I would place the chicken in a waterproof plastic bag and thaw it in a bowl of cold water in the kitchen sink.
The cold water will thaw the chicken faster than leaving it out in the air.

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