Kitchen Conversion calculator

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How handy, dear marmalady!!! What a great idea...and it's on sale!!!

I would imagine that it also converts Imperial measurements. Really like the timer feature, too. It's definately going on my list!!!
Marmaldy, that is a neat I am not suggesting in anyway or means that you would be watching your weight...lost that battle with DW when I told her about the new scales I brought into the store....but for people that are interested in watching fat,carb etc this scale has 900 codes to use and you weight the food item and it kicks back all the various
carbs, fats,dietary fiber, cholesteral and is a US link for anyone to check out....
Hiding in corner not trying to :D

ps- brand> Polder, Nutritional scale
Bumping - just 'cause this is a really cool tool - especially if you entertain a lot and are constantly doubling recipes!
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