Lining inside my UDS?

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Assistant Cook
Dec 1, 2013
I recently bought two 55 gal drums that were used to hold tomato paste. On the inside of the drums is a rusty colored lining of some sort, and I was wondering if this would be an issue. I will attach some pictures of it. Is it something that won't be a big deal as long as I season it, or is it something I should sand off? In one of the pictures I went over a spot a few times with sandpaper and got to bare metal almost instantly. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!


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So, when you say burn it out, does that mean I should heat it up without lining it with vegetable oil?
Yes sir! Jam that thing full of wood, light it, RUN and watch it burn. Try to get it up to around 500° to 600°. Keep it going for 2 or 3 hours like that, then drop the temp down to where you will be smoking at about 225° to 250°. stoke it for a couple more hours then just let it burn out. After this step is done get with me LOL... The oil, or what we call seasoning does not take place until after the lining is gone.

Here this is my UDS build, might help you out some.
Dont think it will hurt it a bit. Same barrel as I got to use for an insulator and bachelor pad for the electrified brinkmann. It has got mighty hot in there and the lining is still there. Its got be something food grade most likely. Have a beer and dont worry about it.
At first I read this wrong, thought it said "Living inside my UDS". Lol! I was going to offer my condolences, that's worse than the doghouse!
that's standard gear for the bathroom theses days man..............we are talkin hookers and blow up there...........;)
Hookers and blow can get a little pricey, but what the hell, you've earned it! live the life brotha!
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