Mexican Horchata (rice drink)

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Chef Extraordinaire
Feb 11, 2007
Last night someone posted a funny/goofy vid on this drink and now I can't find it, so I started my own thread. Feel free to merge if you like :)

To continue the conversation a few of us were having, this is a real drink and I've made it twice. It's very refreshing. Here's some pics I finally located and my version of the recipe combining three other recipes. Obviously I was going for easy. No cooking the rice using my recipe, unlike the post from last night.
If you're looking to fool around making up something different to drink to quench your thirst, this is pretty good. It would probably be good with a little dark rum in there, too :rolleyes:

Mexican Horchata or, Mexican Rice Drink

This drink is typically served at breakfast time and is rumored to be a cure for a hangover. With all the sugar and the refreshing taste, I can see why.

1 c uncooked white rice. Not instant rice. Some people have substituted basmati or other flavored rices. I used plain, long grain rice (traditional).
2 sticks cinnamon
1/4 c slivered almonds
1 qt hot tap water

1/4 c granulated sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Grind the rice in a blender until it's a coarse meal
Add the cinnamon sticks, almonds and water
Mix/pulse ingredients (do not blend), cover loosely and let sit overnight

The next day puree the mixture, then strain through several layers of cheesecloth, squeezing the liquid out of the captured solids.
Add the sugar and vanilla and mix well or blend again
Serve ice cold in a glass with ice


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Valencian, Spanish Horchata

Horchata is the Valencian word for a nut, called Tiger´s Milk Nut and it is a very popular almond type flavoured milk shake ... It is sold in bars freshly made, bottles in supermarkets and icecreams are made out of it too ...

The difference is that it is not made with rice commercially.

Interesting that Mexico also has a similar nut, however, then again, the Spanish, probably brought it back in 1515 from Mexico ...

Thanks for post --- even though this is an oldie but goodie.
A couple of years ago, we were looking for something new and interesting for an adult beverage for a dinner party. We discovered Rumchata, a beverage which is basically horchata with rum added. Delicious!

After some research, I decided to make my own horchata. I did and it tasted good but the texture was chalky and gritty. I blended the rice mixture quite a bit and thoroughly strained it but once left in the fridge between drinks, the mixture settled out so there was ground rice on the bottom and a translucent liquid above.

I haven't tried again.
Horchata - Indigenius Tiger Nut to Valencia, Spain

Thanks so much for ur post on Horchata. In meantime, I had checked my Valencian data, and I had forgotten, that this milk shake type of beverage is created from a TIGER NUT, which is indigenious to Valencia, not Hernán Cortez and Mexico ...

It is not chalky and has a very light yet similar taste to almond milk and it does not contain rice.

It is commonly served on ice to children ... they like it as it has a Malted typed consistency ...

I do not know if they sell it in the USA via bottle, through Coca Cola, or Pepsi ... they can and bottle many soft drink beverages with Spanish flavors or other country´s flavors ...

Thanks again. or

Try one of these --- is an organization which José Andrés works with and promotes the sale of Spanish products in USA ... It is possible that u can purchase it ...

Grazie for posting me
This tended to settle also, Andy. I blended it again and all was good. I don't recall it being gritty... maybe I would say it had some consistency to it :LOL:

Tiger's milk. I like that! Sounds like something Charlie Sheen would drink :ermm:
We sell it in supermarkets here. I think of it as drinking rice pudding. Every once in a while I'll order it as a treat in a Mexican restaurant.
Recipe: Valencian Horchata in USA

Here is the traditional recipe for Valencian Chufa Tiger Nut Milk, and how to do it in the USA ...

1/4 pound or 250 grams Valencian Chufa Tiger Nuts or Blanched Almonds
3 tblps. super fine sugar
Cracked Ice
Cinammon to taste

1. firstly soak the blanched almonds overnight in water changing twice and cover

2. drain and reserve the liquid

3. purée in blanced soaked almonds in Food Processor with some cold water which prevents clogging

4. add the remaining reserved liquid and set aside for 3 hours

5. strain in sieve lined with cheesecloth or white towel

6. sweeten and serve over cracked ice with pinch of ground cinammon

Enjoy, Ciao. Thanks for post. Interesting ...

Written by: Margi Cintrano.
True ... I had mentioned this prior to your post ... It is bottled here in Valencia, Spain and it is the chufa tiger nut milk, however, can be made, see my recipe with blanched almonds ...

I thought Coca Cola or Pepsi bottle it here in Spain and then it is exported.

Thanks for posting the info.

Charlie Sheen ! I do quite prefer Martin Sheen and especially in his lead role and Directorship of his lastest film ( 2011 ) THE SANTIAGO WAY, about the Pilgrimage Route through Northern Spain, as his father´s family was Galician ( the northwestern corner of Spain ) ...

You shall have a deep understanding of Spain´s traditional culture from this film ... Excellent film, covering Emotions, history, scenery and photography is breathtakingly beautiful, humor, and seeking ...

Ciao. Thanks for posting your sense of humor.
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@ Bakechef,

Horchata which is indigenious to Valencia FROM A TUBER WHICH IS LIKE A NUT, TIGER MILK " CHUFA " in Valencian, Spain and does not taste anything like rice ... A bit like blanched almonds ...

Can we be discussing two different types of Horchata ???

That recipe sounds delicious! I think I would cheat and buy a box of Rice or Almond Dream and just spice it up. Although, from scratch it may be creamier and thicker....?
I bet adding rum, like Sailor Jerry, would be really yummy. Although, I wonder if it would curdle. Horchata curddles in my coffee and so I have stuck with good old fashioned cream.
Horchata is made from a TUBER ( CHUFA ) TIGER EYE


As you aware, Horchata is a tiger eye milk made from a tuber called Horchata in Valencia ...

This tuber, is similar to a nut, like an almond however, much larger.

Sorry, however, it does not taste like Rice ...

You have mentioned something I believe could be a brand stretched product, however, since I live in Europe, I do not know. To my knowledge, there are NO products except a blanched almond that tastes similar ( not the same ) to the tuber titled. That is why I suggested the recipe ...

I do not really believe it would be a great cocktail -- it is used for Children in Valencia or icecream making.

Ciao. Thanks for post.
Margaux Cintrano.
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The name of the bulbs or tubers are different

These 2 Horchatas are False Friends and have nothing in common ...

Both are indigenious to 2 distinct parts of the world ...


I have never heard of Mexican Horchata and I lived in the country for two years. Valencian is from a tuber, Called a chufa in Spanish -- TIGER NUT...
It has a slight similarity to almond.

Nothing at all like rice ---

Margi. Ciao. thanx for all the posting.
No one is arguing they are the same. The OP specifically referenced Mexican horchata. I think everyone understands the tiger nut version is a different drink that shares the name.

If you take the time to Google 'horchata recipe', you will find dozens that include rice and reference it as a Mexican drink. You must have lived in a part of Mexico that didn't enjoy this drink.
@ Andy: it is rice water

Okay, I see that there are two totally different drinks with the same name. The one in Valencian is thick like a malted almond milk and the one in Mexico, Jamaica and Central America is a water made of rice ---

Where the Valencian is made of a tuber bulb called Chufa Horchata
and is nothing like a rice ---


I am not ticked with anyone as this is not me ... all of us have just kept going around in circles --- however, enjoy the almonds if you wish to try it --- got to run ... Have work to do ...

I lived in Mexico DF for 2 yrs.

Have nice evening.
The rice dream product I mentioned is indeed a boxed, manufactured rice milk product. It's lightly creamy and has a very subtle nutty flavor. All of the taquerias where I live have a jug of "horchata" on the counter that is made of rice milk....It's been so long since I had it....I guess today is a good day to refresh my memory and see if it's like the boxed stuff.

According to wikipedia, horchata is originally from Valencia and made of tiger "nuts" just like Margi said, and it dates back to the 8th century. But it looks as though the word horchata has come to be a more generic term used for drinks made from ground almonds, sesame seeds, rice, barley, and tiger nuts. I don't know if this helps clear anything up for anyone. I thought it was interesting enough to share. I think as explorers moved about the globe, they got practical and used whatever they could to make their traditional foods and beverages.
-Lord knows what they serve as coffee in Nepal is nothing like what I call coffee!
I have never heard of Mexican Horchata and I lived in the country for two years.

Here in Los Angeles we have one of the largest concentrations of Latino populations in all the US, and many of them Mexican citizens, so there's a very strong Mexican influence here. However most non-Latinos have never heard of Horchata. The only reason I've heard about it is because I'm a foodie and I've tried foods and drinks from many of our local cultures, ethnicities and nationalities.

I never knew anybody made it from a recipe. Horchata to me is a bottled product that you buy in a Latino market or get served in a Mexican restaurant.
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