Shoxing wine/rice wine in fried rice for kids?

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Free country. Everyone can do what they want. DD did not become an alcoholic because the booze cabinet was locked. Au contraire.
I'm sure many of us have encountered people who have bizarrely incorrect ideas about food things. I have found it's near impossible to change these ideas and not worth the effort. You have to just accept it.
I completely agree. For this reason, I ask people if there is anything I should avoid in dinner. Alcoholics often discuss alcohol - especially when taking Antabuse. I keep a "butler's book" that records what people tell me. (It's not really a book but a file box with cards for people who come to dinner.) A trick grandma shared with me when I set up housekeeping. People were always shocked that she remembered likes, dislikes, allergies, and even how their drink preferences down to the number of sugars. It was written on their card!
I completely agree. For this reason, I ask people if there is anything I should avoid in dinner. Alcoholics often discuss alcohol - especially when taking Antabuse. I keep a "butler's book" that records what people tell me. (It's not really a book but a file box with cards for people who come to dinner.) A trick grandma shared with me when I set up housekeeping. People were always shocked that she remembered likes, dislikes, allergies, and even how their drink preferences down to the number of sugars. It was written on their card!
I just don't invite anyone over :LOL:
I completely agree. For this reason, I ask people if there is anything I should avoid in dinner. Alcoholics often discuss alcohol - especially when taking Antabuse. I keep a "butler's book" that records what people tell me. (It's not really a book but a file box with cards for people who come to dinner.) A trick grandma shared with me when I set up housekeeping. People were always shocked that she remembered likes, dislikes, allergies, and even how their drink preferences down to the number of sugars. It was written on their card!
That is a good idea though ( for people who entertain a lot , especially if it's the same people over time). I once went to a live Q&A with Martha Stewart and Jacques Pepin. Someone asked Martha " what do you do when you're going to have a party and you have guests who have food allergies or restrictions ...). Her reply, in typical Martha fashion, was " I just don't ask" ( with a smirk).


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Agreed with all of the above.

Some alcoholics take disulfuram which is a drug that will make them sick if they drink. I discovered that vanilla extract can trigger it. Sadly. While I don't scrutinize what I serve to kiddos, I do when it comes to serving a recovering alcoholic.
Thanks for sharing that, I had no idea.
Some alcoholics take disulfuram which is a drug that will make them sick if they drink. I discovered that vanilla extract can trigger it. Sadly. While I don't scrutinize what I serve to kiddos, I do when it comes to serving a recovering alcoholic.
Well, now that we know that, we can use forms of vanilla that don't involve alcohol. There are vanilla beans, vanilla paste, and vanilla sugar, that can be used instead of vanilla extract. I have even seen vanilla extract that used a different solvent than alcohol. That solvent is usually vegetable glycerin. But, apparently, in the US, it isn't legal to call it vanilla "extract" if there isn't at least 35% alcohol. :ermm:
I completely agree. For this reason, I ask people if there is anything I should avoid in dinner. Alcoholics often discuss alcohol - especially when taking Antabuse. I keep a "butler's book" that records what people tell me. (It's not really a book but a file box with cards for people who come to dinner.) A trick grandma shared with me when I set up housekeeping. People were always shocked that she remembered likes, dislikes, allergies, and even how their drink preferences down to the number of sugars. It was written on their card!
That's a sweet thing to do. So thoughtful.
My mother also kept notes like that. They entertained a lot and she would even write down what she wore! Plus what she would take and/or receive as Hostess' gifts.
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