Mexican Roasted Corn Question

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
I was at a restaurant here in Mississippi and had some Mexican Roasted Corn.
It consisted of a roasted corn ( obviously), with a layer of something creamy, some herbs, salt/ pepper, and a cheese.

I tried to decipher it with my taste buds but the flavors blended much it was hard to distinguish or isolate any one thing.

My biggest question would be the first, creamy layer , that allowed everything else to stick to it. It was white, definitely not butter and definitely not Mayo ( although it was a similar consistency as Mayo). It had more of a Dairy taste to it. ( It wasn't tangy like sour cream or yogurt). The best way for me to describe it, is like whipped cream without the sugar and vanilla. Just a very heavy dairy flavor)

The Herbs were dried ( not fresh)

The cheese was parmesan like in consistency and very well could have been parmesan.

So, what does everyone got to say about this ( especially that creamy layer)

Hmm. Sounds like a favorite Mexican street food. Bet the dairy was crema, which is sort of a creme fraiche. Like a mix of milk and sour cream.
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I remember, I think I was in Philly or Boston, and I passed a family eating in an outside cafe. I saw them eating the corn ( as I described above). I was so curious about it and wanted to just grab one out of their hands and take a bite. I'm glad I was able to finally experience it. Now just gotta make it at home.
In Cozumel, the line would stretch forever to get some esquites on Sunday evenings. There was a lovely family in the square (which is currently under construction) who served it up. The abuelos closely monitored the older ninõs who put it together. A huge pot of corn kernels out of which the crap had been boiled, then all the additions and toppings. Pure heaven in a cup.
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