Monday May 27, '24 Dinner

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A burger on a roll with a side salad and lots of watermelon!

I made "Creamy Tomato Chicken Orzo" (from the May edition of Sainsbury's Magazine). Forgot to take a picture but mine did look pretty much the same as the pic from the recipe. Simple but very tasty indeed!

Hope Memorial Day is everything that each of you would wish it to be. :heart:
I'm still in Denver. I didn't fly home today because it would have cost me a lot more miles to fly on a holiday. The rules for spending airline miles are crazy.

My hotel has a good little bistro, so I'll probably go there, have a burger and fries (their fries are incredible), and watch the Dallas Stars (hockey) game.

Had corn OTC for lunch so tried to avoid more carbs for dinner... didn't succeed.
Had a large salad, iceburg lettuce, radish, cucumber, hearts of palm, tomato with ranch dressing.... and breaded calamari rings. Frozen, were OK but just a tiny bit too much pepper and not enough salt. Won't buy that brand again! (I hope)
I had plans for supper and I even defrosted a chicken breast. But, I made some cucumber salad and roasted an eggplant for baba ganoush and set it to drain. Then I was tired enough that I went back upstairs and checked out the new posts on DC.

Suddenly, I was absolutely starving, so I had to figure out something to eat fast, rather than cook the food I had planned. So, I had a couple of eggs, some fried salami, and toast of wholegrain and sunflower seed bread. I also had some of that cucumber salad and a mango for dessert.
Had corn OTC for lunch so tried to avoid more carbs for dinner... didn't succeed.
Had a large salad, iceburg lettuce, radish, cucumber, hearts of palm, tomato with ranch dressing.... and breaded calamari rings. Frozen, were OK but just a tiny bit too much pepper and not enough salt. Won't buy that brand again! (I hope)
Yeah, when you spend the money for calamari, you want yummy, not just okay.
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