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I bought a new tea pot today. Maxwell and Williams Infusions in "Vanilla". Oh how I love it so!
Picture Anthea?

Anyone here have an attachment to a particular mug or cup for tea/coffee? I have two cups at work and I use one for tea and one for coffee (yes I know I'm weird). I actually have taken to HIDING my mugs because every time I go in, someone is using my mug. Apparently, they are the best of the 75 mugs on the shelf! Very strange.
it's mug envy, alix. they see you enjoy your tea so much, they're trying to imitate it down to the vessel.

do what i do and very visibly clean out the leftover tea leaves by spitting into the mug and wiping it out into the garbage.

or leave huge lipstick marks on the rim. (that really freaks them out when i do that...) :cool:
I'm with bt on this, no herbals for me either and I loooove earl grey. Maybe it is the British half of me that likes a good strong black tea.

Don't have many in my cabinet right now. This is what I do have:
Paris Blend - a combo of earl grey and vanilla
Monk's Blend - a combo of grenadine, bergomont and vanilla
PG Tips - stong British tea
Blue Flower Earl Grey
Golden Nepal
I have found a decent chai that I like
Tibetan Tiger - Ceylon blended with vanilla and chocolate flavors

Those are all loose. Of teabags, I only have a morrocan mint.

I think I need a cup of tea right now. I'm off to put the kettle on.
BT, where do you shop for your tea? I'm curious about the silver tips, what are they?
buckytom said:
it's mug envy, alix. they see you enjoy your tea so much, they're trying to imitate it down to the vessel.

do what i do and very visibly clean out the leftover tea leaves by spitting into the mug and wiping it out into the garbage.

or leave huge lipstick marks on the rim. (that really freaks them out when i do that...) :cool:

Oh how I wish I could do that! We have a very efficient cook at work and he scours the place and does the mugs regularly. Which is why folks are so free with their grabby hands!
I'm not sure how this photo loading stuff works but here we go... This is my new baby, only mine's white. It's only cheap and simple but it means I don't have to worry about using a strainer which makes me happy. :)


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It worked! Yay! I'm not as technologically challenged as I thought! Yay!
Oooooooooo! Very pretty! Mine is a Princess House Heritage tea pot. I like it cuz I can put it on the stove to stay warm.
I want a tea cosy like my Nan used to have. You know the really ugly ones with tassles and flowers and knitted bits? The uglier the better. I swear to God there is a positive correlation between tea cosy ugliness and their ability to retain heat.
Oh so true! And it has to be knitted out of that really horrible acrylic yarn that can surviv a nuclear holocaust.
YES! That's the stuff! :LOL: Where can I get one of those? I seriously want one! They're so kitsch they're cool.
corazon said:
BT, where do you shop for your tea? I'm curious about the silver tips, what are they?

silver tips are the first new shoots of the (one, giant :rolleyes: ) tea plant each growing season. they literally are a whitish silver, and contain far more of the good stuff that green tea is known for.

i buy my teas at harney and sons, Harney and Sons Fine Tea is Your Source for Green, Black, Oolong, White Teas, Herbals, and Tea Gifts , and teavana, Teavana - Home .

i've been lazy this summer, and instead of brewing my own, i've been buying bottled iced tea. i've been drinking about a gallon every 2 days of arizona diet green tea with ginseng and honey, both regular and decaf. it's too sweet for me, so i cut it about 70/30 to 60/40 with water.

alix, sometimes clean people suck. we've had battles in our office when someone tries to clean or straighten out someone else's stuff.
once, i was able to stop a guy from constantly cleaning up all of our work benches buy referring to him as our shop b!tch. :)

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