My Baby Girl Is At School

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Master Chef
Aug 25, 2004
Columbia, SouthCarolina
Savannah has begun her first day of school. They have a Kindergarten kickoff for the parents on the 1st day & hubby & I dropped Savannah off at her classroom & went to that. She hugged us both & went in with a huge smile. I was so proud of her for being brave. I didn't start crying until hubby & I were walking down the hall to the lunchroom but I can't seem to stop now. The house is just way too quiet!! No TV's on, no little feet runing up & down the stairs, no kittens meowing because they are being pestered, & no one yelling "Mama! I need more toilet paper!" I didn't think I would miss the chaos this much but I feel like a part of me is gone. I know it'll get easier but today I'm a big ball of emotions. :cry:
Wow, they start early! My kids start Sept 1.
I wasn't sad when my older boy started, so of course I figured I was quite the great mom. When my little son started kindergarten, I was a wreck! I think it's cause you realize your little baby is in someone else's care, and there's nobody left to snuggle with during the day! Best of luck to you, and I bet you'll be volunteering more than usual at school now....particularly in a specific classroom.....:ermm:
Awww! I remember just how that feels! My heart goes out to you! There is much joy ahead, I'm sure you know this. My girls are all grown up - middle one graduated from high school in June, eldest from college in May. I went out and bought myself some old fashioned fine-lawn handkerchiefs - I scent them and iron them and have one permanently stashed in my purse.
Yes, they do start early but they get out on May 24. I did great when TC started, no tears at all. It helped too that he was in daycare until Savannah was born, but I worked there too. I'm signing up for the volunteer program when they have open house. You have to be trained as a volunteer if you want to go on field trips, help with class parties, etc. It has also made me realize my baby is growing up! I got a little scared this morning too, all the kids in her class are so much bigger than she is. But, I know she's tough, she holds her own & doesn't let anyone take advantage of her.
Of course it's hard, after all this time suddenly the house is quiet, you find yourself going to look to see just why the kids aren't making any noise. You start to call for them as you go out the door or to see something on TV..It gets easier after a week or so..I did it 4 times and now I'm going to be doing it with Cade who starts kindergarten in a few weeks...Hang in there mommy, she will be home before you know it and you can get a big hug and listen to her day..I bet she looked beautiful today her first day of school.:)

I can't believe it's back to school time already. I can't imagine how hard this morning was for you. I got teary just reading your post thinking about it! :rolleyes: In time you'll enjoy a little peace and quiet I'm sure. Like we've talked about before maybe this is the time for you to find something new and different for you to do for you.

{{Big Hug!!}:)
I read your post and I thought, you know, my baby starts this year too. I cried with Seth and I will probably cry with Sierra. I am looking forward to being able to go back to work part time when the house is all quiet but its going to be SO hard....I feel your struggle. HUGS to you.......
Thanks Sandy, kadesma ,PA, & tancowgirl! It was kind of funny this morning. Everyone was ready to go by 7:30 & we were sitting in the den going over a few last minute things with the kids & Savannah kept saying "We need to go now, we're going to be late!" Kadesma, she was beautiful, she has on a pair of khaki shorts, a purple, khaki, & white stripped shirt, her new purple, white, & black tennis shoes, & her hair is in one long braid. She walked downstairs to her daddy this morning after I fixed her hair & said "Don't I look fabulous daddy?" I thought he was going to start crying.I'm off to get productive for a while & make good use of my time if I can. I'll be back later though!
Hey crewsk, by the end of next week or so you will be revelling in your free time. I know thats what I did.

Then when they are home from school for the day it will take you a little while to get used to all the chaos again! LOL, such is the life of a mom.

Hugs crewsk.
Schools don't go back here until beginning of September! Luckily, my children's school years are behind me now... :)

But I do remember how EMPTY the house seemed when children first started school.

Enjoy the peace!
awww crewsk i remember what it was like when billy went to school. he's my only baby and i cried and cried. i even followed the school bus in my car lol. you'll be okay by the end of the week mom.
Aw, crewsk. I can feel your pain.
When my first started school, I walked in with him and I stood there for a while until he looked at me and said, "Momma, can you go now?" I cried all the way home :eek:)
When my second went, he cried in the hallway for over an hour. The teacher did everything she could do to get him to go in, nope, not a chance. Finally, after the crying quieted down, he noticed the kids coloring and eating a breakfast snack and SLOWLY, walked towards the door. Another kid smiled at him and waved and he looked at me and finally went in. It took an hour and a half to get him in there. He came home bouncing all over from excitement. It will get better. It will get to where you can't wait for them to go to school, LOL :eek:)
Thanks y'all! I knew I could come here & you'd all make me feel much better! I know it'll get easier & now that the dishwasher & dryer are running the silence in the house isin't quite as bad. Well, I'm off to fold some laundry!
awww, crewsk, ((((((hugs))))). i'm not a Mommy yet so i'm not quite sure what it's really like, but i know you're sad now and probably don't know what to do with yourself, but just think, when your sweetpea comes home from school she'll have all kinds of stories for her Mommy and maybe a picture that she colored that you can hang on the fridge and i'll bet if you asked for a big hug, she'd have one she was waiting all day to give you.:)
Oh crewsk - I kind of know how you feel - I only have 1 so I went through it the first time - but at the same time I was working about 70 hours a week so I didn't have to worry about a babysitter. Aren't they just brave little souls!!!!!! They are the sweetest at this age. We'll help you get through it but sometimes you just have to cry. {{{{{hugs}}}}} :flowers:
Thanks again y'all! Well, she made it through the day(so did I) & only got in trouble once & that was for talking. Guess she takes after her mom in that, huh?:rolleyes: She & TC both were eager to tell me about their day & I had trouble getting them to take turns talking. Thanks again for all your support & encouragement it really means a lot to me & goes to show just how special everyone on this site truly is!
Yeah & then we have to start all over on Monday!:LOL: I'm afraid she's going to drive me nuts this weekend wanting to go to school. That's a good thing though!
Just wait until you have an empty don't think you will ever miss the fingerprints on the walls until they arn't there anymore........

The hardest thing was while my son John was in boot camp (Navy) the mailman delivered a larg box with all his belongings in it. At that time Kevin was 2 years old and we both sat on the floor and cried..he kept saying "Nonnie's gone"

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